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Many New Singapores, with BETTER PORTs can be easily build by these Chinese Machines


Truly and Literally and possible ANYWHERE ANY TIME.

Chinese technology is world uniquely strong in giant dredger - that will dig a deep water port out of shallow water, and use the dug up soil or m&d what so ever to reclaim a new island. China did this everywhere along their coast build now blocks cities on seas, and many new deep water ports, and also in South China Seas.

If they wanted to have a new Singapore in Batam or Johore, they can doing within just 2-3 years, if they wanted to have 10, so there will be 10 Singapores, no joke.

Today another giant dredger is launched from Chinese shipyard with giant capacity. Where are they dredging next?


2017年11月03日 19:47:56 | 来源: 新华网

  11月3日航拍的停靠在位于江苏启东的上海振华重工造船厂码头的“天鲲号”自航绞吸挖泥船。新华社记者 丁汀 摄




  新华社记者 丁汀 摄


  11月3日,在位于江苏启东的上海振华重工造船厂,工作人员为“天鲲号”下水进行最后的准备。新华社记者 白禹 摄


  11月3日,在位于江苏启东的上海振华重工造船厂,“天鲲号”上的工作人员在向岸边的同事挥手致意。新华社记者 丁汀 摄


  11月3日,在位于江苏启东的上海振华重工造船厂,工人目送“天鲲号”下水。新华社记者 白禹 摄


  11月3日,在位于江苏启东的上海振华重工造船厂,工作人员为“天鲲号”下水进行最后的准备。新华社记者 白禹 摄


  11月3日,在位于江苏启东的上海振华重工造船厂,“天鲲号”开出船坞。新华社记者 白禹 摄


  这是11月3日航拍的成功下水的“天鲲号”。新华社发(许丛军 摄)



Today there is nothing like Natural Deep Water Port SG53 necessary any more.

Where there is shallow sea, they can turn into deep water port by giant dredger.

Where you had natural deep water port like SG53, they can be ENTIRE BLOCKED, by giant dredgers building a great wall around it or make the sea sallow instead.

But this is not done by China, it is being done by PAP!

They are reclaiming around pee sai island enlarge Tekong Ubin etc, to BLOCK OWN WATER PASSAGE!

Actually PAP was trying to block Malaysian Tanjung Palapa Port but foolishly also fucked itself!



They had already build ports and cities by this method in total areas many times exceeding the size of Pee Sai SG53! There is no doubt about it!


You must add that China can build any number of Changi Airports bigger and better at anywhere they want including JB. At any time.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
See the TOP 10 busiest ports in the world today and count how many are in chinkland.
Peesai can go jiak sai.

I hope chinkland make the reality of Kra Canal and then Sg is truly fucked

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Today there is nothing like Natural Deep Water Port SG53 necessary any more.

Where there is shallow sea, they can turn into deep water port by giant dredger.

Where you had natural deep water port like SG53, they can be ENTIRE BLOCKED, by giant dredgers building a great wall around it or make the sea sallow instead.

But this is not done by China, it is being done by PAP!

They are reclaiming around pee sai island enlarge Tekong Ubin etc, to BLOCK OWN WATER PASSAGE!

Actually PAP was trying to block Malaysian Tanjung Palapa Port but foolishly also fucked itself!


The reason why Sg die die want to get Petra Branca. If mudland got it then they got Sg by the balls as they can use it to block Sg.


They will for this mega container ships.

Malacca Staits too congested and slow for mega container ships to pass through.

And also PAP can spy for US on China sabo Chinese future war with US with nuke gunboats.

Cannot trust Hakka race.

See the TOP 10 busiest ports in the world today and count how many are in chinkland.
Peesai can go jiak sai.

I hope chinkland make the reality of Kra Canal and then Sg is truly fucked


Yes can make new Singapore and deep water port and bigger and better AIRPORT than Changi on top of new islands. @ Any where! Does not need a PAP BG nor LCB LKY!


‘Magic island-maker’: China unveils Asia’s largest cutting-edge dredger amid territorial rows
Published time: 4 Nov, 2017 15:03 Edited time: 4 Nov, 2017 15:14
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China has unveiled a massive ship described as a "magic island maker" that is Asia's largest dredging vessel, state media reported on November 4 © AFP
China has floated out a giant island-building vessel, which has been called “a magic island-maker” by its designer and is considered the most powerful vessel of its type in Asia. The launch comes amid ongoing territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
The ‘Tiankun’ cutter-suction dredger was launched at Qidong in eastern Jiangsu province on Friday. The vessel, with a deck as long as five basketball courts, 140 meters, can smash underwater rocks and then suck out sand, water, and m&d, and transfer the substance up to 15 kilometers away. It can dredge up to 6,000 cubic meters (around two and half Olympic swimming pools) an hour from a depth of up to 35 meters.

China has launched Asia's largest and most advanced cutter-suction dredger to further enhance the nation's capability in land reclamation. pic.twitter.com/U9zbjtbAOo

— China Daily (@ChinaDailyUSA) 4 ноября 2017 г.
“The electronic vessel is able to dredge an area the size of a soccer field with a depth of one meter within one hour," Wang Jian, deputy chief engineer of CCCC Tianjin Dredging, said as cited by Xinhua news agency.

The designer of the vessel, Marine Design and Research Institute in Shanghai, describes its creation as “a magic island-maker” that could be used to conduct coastal or channel dredging and land reclamation operations at sea, China Daily reported, citing the institute’s statement.

Some local media said the vessel was a “military defense project” which could be used for the construction of artificial islands in the disputed South China Sea, where Beijing has territorial disputes with Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and other nations.

READ MORE: Japan may deploy new Marines force alongside Americans amid islands face-off with China

The dispute over the area involves the Spratly and Paracel Islands, which are also claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan. Earlier, China was reportedly boosting construction on the artificial islands it has built on the Spratly archipelago, where it was preparing to station warplanes and other military hardware.


This photo taken on November 3, 2017 shows the ship 'Tian Kun Hao' being launched at a port in Qidong in China's eastern Jiangsu province. © AFP
Washington has been particularly critical of China’s construction activity in the disputed Spratly chain. Beijing has responded by saying that it is operating on its own sovereign territory and thus has the right to deploy military assets there.

The Tiankun will undergo more mooring and sailing tests and is expected to enter service next summer. It is the first fully domestically-built self-propelled dredger of its type in China, as its sister, the largest currently operating dredger in the region, the ‘Tianjin,’ was jointly created by Chinese and German engineers. It can dredge 1,500 cubic meters an hour less than the newly launched vessel from 30 meters beneath the surface.
