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Serious Many Maids In Heat unable to meet BFs at Lucky Plaza!


Dozens turned away at Lucky Plaza and Peninsula Plaza, unaware of reimposed entry restrictions
People turned away from Lucky Plaza on May 2, 2021 wait for their friends who managed to enter.
Justin Ong/TODAY
  • Checks at both locations were stringent, with security officers and safe distancing ambassadors turning many away
  • Most of them were domestic helpers, and some had urgent errands
  • As a result of these restrictions, many shops in or around the malls bemoaned a sharp fall in business
SINGAPORE — On the first weekend when entry restrictions were reimposed at shopping complexes Lucky Plaza and Peninsula Plaza, dozens of people — mostly domestic helpers — were turned away and thus unable to run their errands.

As a result of these restrictions, many shops in or around the malls bemoaned a sharp fall in customers — some seeing a 90 per cent drop.

From Saturday (May 1), those whose National Registration Identity Card or Foreign Identification Number ends in even digits (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8) can visit the two malls only on even dates (such as May 2), while those whose number ends in odd digits (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9) can visit only on odd dates.

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These tightened measures will take effect until at least May 14, and were announced on Friday in light of a steady rise in locally transmitted Covid-19 cases.

TODAY observed that the checks at both locations were stringent on Sunday, with both security officers and safe distancing ambassadors enforcing the restrictions and turning many away.

Covid-19: Entry to malls, stores and attractions to be tightened for up to 2 weeks in May
But many were not aware of the changes, such as Filipino Terry Abilona who had to return a sum of cash at Lucky Plaza to claim jewellery that she had pawned. She was not aware of the restrictions and could not enter as her identification number ended in an odd digit.

“This week I cannot pay, so I need to pay double the penalty fee next Sunday,” the 37-year-old said.

Filipino domestic helper Terry Abilona being turned away at the entrance of Lucky Plaza, as her identity number ends with an odd digit. Photo: Justin Ong/TODAY

Another maid who declined to be named said that she had planned to send money back home for her mother’s medical expenses. She, too, was unaware of the restrictions and was turned away despite explaining her situation to the security officers.

“I need to send it now… My only days off are on Sundays,” the 48-year-old Filipino said.

A similar situation was observed outside Peninsula Plaza.

Covid-19: Social gatherings should be limited to 2 a day; public advised to meet regular contacts only
One maid from Myanmar had planned to send money back home through a “special contact” within the mall, which she said was her only option as banks in Myanmar had shut due to the coup situation.

She was barred from entering, but she stayed outside near the entrance, hoping to sneak in.

Outside of both malls, there were also small crowds which had formed, consisting mostly of domestic helpers and foreign workers.

Some said that they were waiting for their friends who were eligible to go in to help them run errands.

Mr Tun Minn Wai, 38, a maintenance worker from Myanmar, said that he had just come out of Peninsula Plaza after helping two of his friends transfer money back home. It is extra work for him, but he does not mind.

“They want to control the number of people inside because of Covid-19, because Singapore needs to take care of this situation, so it’s no problem for me,” he said.

Singapore to bar travellers who recently visited Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Many people who have been turned away from Peninsula Plaza were waiting outside, some for their friends who were helping them run errands. Photo: Justin Ong/TODAY


Businesses at both malls said that the restrictions were a further blow to their revenue.

Manager of Jiu Fu Food Court at Peninsula Plaza Tan Keng Siang said his 14 food stalls had seen a 90 per cent drop in the number of customers on Sunday compared to the previous Sunday.

The stalls had prepared too much food and would have to throw some of it away, he added.

He said it is a sacrifice his business will make to keep community cases down.

Covid-19: Agencies to step up enforcement at F&B spots, parks and malls from May 1
“This pandemic is serious, but this is still better than having a confirmed case visit us, and then we have to close down,” he said.

An almost empty Jiu Fu Food Court at Peninsula Plaza on Sunday (May 2). Its manager said that the eatery had seen a 90 per cent fall in customers. Photo: Justin Ong/TODAY

Managers of clothing store Bondi at Lucky Plaza, Mr Francis Tin and Ms Cleo Khor, said that their two shops — one inside and one outside of the mall — have both seen drops in patronage.

The shop on the outside of the mall — which is open to everyone — has seen a 40 per cent fall in customers, while the shop inside has seen an 80 per cent drop.

Ms Khor said that domestic helpers — their main consumer base — may have found it too much of a hassle to come down to Lucky Plaza given the restrictions and visited malls in the heartlands instead.

“With so many (safe distancing) ambassadors here, the customers who come here are feeling very stressed also… they’re not in the mood to shop here,” she added.

Mr Tin added that the restrictions were lifted and reimposed too quickly. This restriction was first imposed in August last year and was lifted on April 10, before being enforced again this month.

“The restrictions were lifted for only three weeks and it made people happy, and then now we are sad again,” he said.