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Many IT infocomm jobs for us




Talk cock , 70% must be very eager but then after u see the job not gor him, go punggol ,stand st bus stop u will see plenty, of company bus for ceca,lol


Alfrescian (Inf)
Haven't Sinkies learnt their lesson already after all these goddamned years? :rolleyes:

Whenever the PAP regime tells you which industry or profession is the 'next big thing', which job or career is going to be 吃香, that's your signal to stay as far as you can from what they are trying to promote. :whistling:

Remember, the PAP technocrats genuinely hate and despise you. They are not benevolent parent figures always looking out for your best interests. Wake up. :cool:


Sinkies are useless Jiakliaobees. Should import more CECA and Pinoy talents to fill these juicy jobs. They will create more jobs for Sinkies like grab driving and toilet cleaning.



80,000 high-paying jobs in infocomms sector by 2025 under updated industry map​

An on-site surveillance robot that monitors and provides remote assistance using M1’s 5G network. Local security firm Oneberry Technologies, which provided the robot, says that with 5G technology, it can help to identify security threats quickly.

THE industry transformation map for the infocomm media sector launched in 2017 has been updated to sharpen its focus on the infocomm segment, which includes sub-sectors such as software, information technology services, online services and telecommunication services.

Under the refreshed plan, the government aims to strengthen the global interconnectedness of Singapore’s digital economy, and offer support to tech companies, so they can achieve higher local value-add and create good jobs in the sector.

The updated version, launched on Friday (May 5) by Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, is expected to grow the number of well-paying jobs in the infocomm industry to 80,000 by 2025.

It is also expected to bring about real value-added compound annual growth rate of between 5 per cent and 7 per cent for Singapore from 2020 to 2025, said Digital Industry Singapore, which is a joint office of the Economic Development Board, Enterprise Singapore and the Info-communications Media Development Authority.

It is also on track to achieve real value-added compound annual growth rate of between 1.5 per cent and 3 per cent for each worker over the same period, said Digital Industry Singapore in a statement.

Some initiatives under the refreshed plan are:


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  • Expanding the network of digital-economy agreements to promote cross-border data flows, establish data norms and encourage other forms of digital collaboration;
  • Building up the network of subsea cables and investing in 5G networks;
  • Anchoring the research and product development of tech multinational corporations in Singapore, and strengthening their linkages with the local ecosystem;
  • Grow locals into globally competitive industry leaders by deepening their strategic capabilities and intensifying internationalisation efforts;
  • Widen the stable of fast-growth companies by attracting highly innovative startups;
  • Developing locals with specialised skills for in-demand tech roles with local companies.
Digital Industry Singapore added that it will focus on the competitiveness and attractiveness of Singapore’s business ecosystem to globally competitive infocomm companies keen on capitalising on Asia’s growth.


I really want to try myself in IT, although I know practically nothing
Please don't work IT jobs here, almost every fucking company here is infested with JHK Pinoys Ah Tiongs and CECA and fucking sinkie losers from NCS who bring their toxic culture to their new workplace


Stay away from the one in this photo as well, Republic Polytechnic is under PCCW with a lot of government agencies, other poly I don't know, primary/secondary/JC still under NCS