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Man Shocked After Wife Agreed for Him to Have Affair With His Female Boss to Get Promotion


An anonymous sharing by a married Malaysian man about the dilemma he is facing simultaneously at his work and home caught the attention of netizens recently; with the man struggling with the morality of the whole situation.

Shared anonymously to the XUAN Play Facebook page which reposted the message on the platform, the post has garnered over 1,200 reactions and 314 shares in under 22 hours.

In the post, the man shared how his female boss offered to give him a promotion if he agreed to have an affair with her.

Dumbfounded, he told his boss’s ‘special’ request to his wife, who to his surprise, urged him to take up the offer.

A married man was offered a promotion by his female boss if he agreed to have an affair with her

At the start of the post, the man shared how his boss has always tried to be close to him, including asking him to go out for a drink.

Given that the boss is also the daughter of the company’s owner, he agreed.

He then shared how on 1 occasion, she asked him to come to her house to supposedly discuss the company matters, but to his shock, only the 2 of them were at the house.

The man elaborated that the boss had always hinted that she wanted to have an affair with him, despite knowing that he was already married.

Recently, a senior executive at the company retired and given the opening, the boss told the man that she would recommend him for the promotion on the condition that he has to accompany her every day and eat with her after work, like a couple.

Worse, the boss even threatened to fire him if he refused to have an affair with her.

The man’s wife urged him to have an affair with his boss

At a loss at what to do, the man confided the situation to his wife, who surprisingly was relaxed about the whole matter.

Not only that, his wife then told him to accept the boss’s offer and have an affair with her as his salary is 5 figures a month at the company.

The man became even more confused at what to do afterwards, sharing,

“I’m really sad my wife would say such a thing. What do you guys think I should do?
“I don’t think my wife loves me at all and is just staying with me for my money”

Accordingly, what do you guys think about the man’s situation? In your opinion, what’s the next step he should take to resolve the situation?

syed putra

most likely she’s already prostituting inside and outside home to make up for the lack of household incum.
Wife should insist only if they make videos of their tryst for her to watch. Or even better, invite her to watch their love making to reduce risk of video going viral.





An anonymous sharing by a married Malaysian man about the dilemma he is facing simultaneously at his work and home caught the attention of netizens recently; with the man struggling with the morality of the whole situation.

Shared anonymously to the XUAN Play Facebook page which reposted the message on the platform, the post has garnered over 1,200 reactions and 314 shares in under 22 hours.

In the post, the man shared how his female boss offered to give him a promotion if he agreed to have an affair with her.

Dumbfounded, he told his boss’s ‘special’ request to his wife, who to his surprise, urged him to take up the offer.

A married man was offered a promotion by his female boss if he agreed to have an affair with her

At the start of the post, the man shared how his boss has always tried to be close to him, including asking him to go out for a drink.

Given that the boss is also the daughter of the company’s owner, he agreed.

He then shared how on 1 occasion, she asked him to come to her house to supposedly discuss the company matters, but to his shock, only the 2 of them were at the house.

The man elaborated that the boss had always hinted that she wanted to have an affair with him, despite knowing that he was already married.

Recently, a senior executive at the company retired and given the opening, the boss told the man that she would recommend him for the promotion on the condition that he has to accompany her every day and eat with her after work, like a couple.

The man’s wife urged him to have an affair with his boss

At a loss at what to do, the man confided the situation to his wife, who surprisingly was relaxed about the whole matter.

Not only that, his wife then told him to accept the boss’s offer and have an affair with her as his salary is 5 figures a month at the company.

The man became even more confused at what to do afterwards, sharing,

Accordingly, what do you guys think about the man’s situation? In your opinion, what’s the next step he should take to resolve the situation?
My mentor told me not to post rubbish while working. People paid me to work and it's immoral to take my employer's money to surf this forum and post rubbish.



My mentor told me not to post rubbish while working. People paid me to work and it's immoral to take my employer's money to surf this forum and post rubbish.

is that person also yr benefactor?


Old Fart
I had such a dream one time many years ago, I woke up disappointed that it was only a dream. Looks like that mudlander had a similar dream!:biggrin: