Man nabbed for loitering in female toilet
Lianhe Wanbao

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<cite style="display: block; font-style: normal; font-size: 10px; margin: 4px 0px; ">The 22-year-old man was handcuffed and taken away after he was seen loitering in the female toilet.</cite>
A 22-year-old man was arrested on Friday evening (18 May) after he was found loitering inside a female toilet in a shopping mall.
At about 9.30pm, a security guard leaving the third floor toilet at Beauty World Plaza in Bukit Timah saw the man behaving suspiciously in the female toilet.
Suspecting that the man was trying to peek at women using the toilet, the officer confronted him.
But the man became angry and started shouting at the guard. The two scuffled their way out of the female toilet, causing a commotion in the mall.
Two other men, including another security guard on duty, came forward to help. The suspect was subdued and the police was called.
Police officers arrived at the scene and took the suspect to the security office to interview him.
According to shop owners in the area, no one was using the female toilet at the time and no one had come forward with complaints of sexual harassment.
The suspect’s parents appeared at the scene at about 10pm and asked to see their son, before insisting to the police that the incident was a misunderstanding.
They insisted that their son had entered the wrong toilet and was not attempting to peep at anyone. They then asked the police to release their son, saying he is mentally unsound.
The suspect was very agitated and shouting the whole time he was handcuffed and taken away at about 11pm.
A police spokesperson confirmed that the man was arrested on grounds of trespassing.
The case is being investigated.
Source: Lianhe Wanbao, 20 May 2012.