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Man marries a rich chiobu Atb auntie and lives happily ever after. Samsters, no fish prawn also good. Can eat don't waste?




A man marries an old woman in China for money. In China, it is not uncommon to find instances of men marrying older women for money.

The face of “It’s over” – Stacks of cash​

The man showed a face of “his life is over” when the elderly bride wanted him to take photos and perform sweet gestures he do not move until the money is thrown at him.

This has become an increasingly common occurrence in recent years, due to the rise of the ‘middle-aged bachelor’ phenomenon in the country. Men who are unable to find a wife of their own age often turn to older, wealthier women as a means of securing financial stability.

Video at source

The practice of marrying an older woman for money is usually seen as a way for the man to obtain a better lifestyle. This could be in the form of a larger house, a nicer car, or access to more luxurious goods. In some cases, the woman may also have a family business that the man can take over, allowing him to further his financial security.

In conclusion, while marrying an older woman for money is not something to be taken lightly, it is becoming increasingly common in China. The man should be aware of the potential benefits and risks of such an arrangement, and should ensure that he is entering into it for the right reasons.

Here are what netizens think:
  1. His face like got someone pass away in his family.
  2. See the auntie so happy, throwing her stacks of cash to buy happiness.
  3. One can only imagine what he is thinking or what is going through his mind.


Money can always buy love. But how long will the marriage last is another problem. Sooner or later this guy is going to kee siao and very likely the woman will tio murdered soon, LOL.