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Man’s Ex-GF Sends Their Sex Videos to His Current Wife to Break Them Apart



"Serves her right!” – M’sian Man’s Ex-GF Sends Their Sex Videos to His Current Wife to Break Them Apart​


Published19 hours ago
June 25, 2024
By Azri Azizan


A 24-year-old Malaysian wife recently admitted to having married the best husband, only for the marriage to be tested by an unhappy ex. In a tweet shared by @meingl, the wife said she unexpectedly received an e-mail from her husband’s past lover.

It contained the sex videos between her husband and his ex.

The good thing was, her husband was honest about his past relationship, including the part where they had sex. Still, it doesn’t mean the acts had to be witnessed and of course, the wife didn’t feel good seeing what she had to see.

Since then, she became depressed and emotionally disturbed.

“The video kept playing in my mind. It was so bad that I needed reassurance from my husband 1o times a day, every day.”

The wife got herself a keeper. The husband never complained one bit about assuring her.

The ex got what she wanted – to cause havoc in the house, emotionally.

Fortunately, her plan was not entirely a success.

“I got the best version of my husband”

In an update of the tweet, the wife revealed that she has since blocked her husband’s ex, and proceeded with a police report. To mend the marriage and relationship, the husband surprised her with a trip to Switzerland.

“We were supposed to go there in the next 2 years but I never knew he has been saving for the trip, so we could go earlier.”

The wife also said that her husband had only dated 1 woman before the marriage and despite knowing about their sexual life, she accepted her husband’s past.

“Regardless, I have the best version of my husband now. Do pray for me and my husband. Serves his ex right! She only got sex and nothing else.”

She’s lucky to have an assuring husband, and the man is also blessed to have an accepting wife. We cannot imagine what would we feel if our dirty laundry was spread around.


She should vent the anger by showing the video online. This will sooth her own emotion, and Samsters can give advice to all the parties involve.