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Malta: Muslim tells French girl who criticized Islam ‘We are going to rape you in a cellar…in the name of Allah’


As far as the man who issued these threats is concerned, Mila is a blasphemer who thus deserves death in accord with Islamic law. He therefore sees no incongruity in mixing expressions of piety with his violent threats.

“‘We’re going to rape you in a cellar’: Mila threatened during her vacation,” translated from “‘On va te violer dans une cave’: Mila menacée pendant ses vacances,” Valeurs Actuelles, September 8, 2020:

The girl who dared to criticize the Muslim religion and was subsequently cyber-harassed was recognized during a trip to Malta.

Mila has not yet found peace. According to information from Le Canard Enchaîné, taken up by Marianne, the young high school student, who had been out of school since the beginning of the year, was on a language study trip to Malta in August. But her vacation did not go as planned. The young teenager was once again harassed, threatened with death and rape on the island where she was recognized. On August 15, in a restaurant, a man asked her if she was Mila. Verification completed, he attacked her violently at first: “We are going to rape you in a cellar”, and hitting her with: “We are going to rape your mother”.

According to the young girl, the insults were said “in the name of Allah”. The man also threatened her with death, “I do not want to see you again, otherwise I will strangle you.” According to Le Canard Enchaîné, he also threatened to reveal the place where she was on vacation on social media.

One-year suspended sentence

Alerted, the person in charge of the language course in which she was participating informed the police. The man lives in France and was arrested the day after the incident. He was sentenced to a one-year suspended prison sentence.

In July, the girl’s lawyer revealed that she had received more than 30,000 death threats since her statements on Islam. Among them, violent diatribes such as: “I am going to cut your throat, I will take your guts out and feed you and then I will rape you”, always “in the name of the Prophet”. In June, a minor was arrested for “death threats”, “theft of a third party identity” and “repeated sending of malicious messages”. He told investigators “to fully heed” his words and to do “the job that the judges and the police do not do … or too slowly”. Out of school because National Education has not found a structure guaranteeing her education, the young Mila is now in a boarding school.


I dunno why two CECA talk to each other on a supposed issue, assuming it's true, in a far away distant Malta.

Is this Maltese forum? or CECA forum?

or stinkypura forum?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I dunno why two CECA talk to each other on a supposed issue, assuming it's true, in a far away distant Malta.

Is this Maltese forum? or CECA forum?

or stinkypura forum?

Tats y i said TS Bo liao. Fond of copy paste news from faraway and some outdated news. Why no news from Msia, Indon, Brunei. More relevant. Stupid TS.


If Allah is a God who is righteous. And his followers are committing crimes in his name. Aren't his followers committing blesphemy?


Alfrescian (Inf)
If Allah is a God who is righteous. And his followers are committing crimes in his name. Aren't his followers committing blesphemy?

Thats why we have Judgement Day, Heaven and Hell, torture in the grave. Hypocrites mentioned many many times in the Quran. Warnings also given to mankind including Muslims too. So how can God be blamed for mankind wrong/crimes. U have been warned.


Thats why we have Judgement Day, Heaven and Hell, torture in the grave. Hypocrites mentioned many many times in the Quran. Warnings also given to mankind including Muslims too. So how can God be blamed for mankind wrong/crimes. U have been warned.
So these mudslimes rape and commit murder in the name of their religion will face judgement?


Alfrescian (Inf)
And yet mudslimes love Saddam Hussein and idi amin because they are mudslimes

Saddam attacked Iran with US warmongers. Y would Muslims love Saddam. Politic lah. Cronies. Much to gain. Just look at Saud. Look at the recent treaty btw UAE n Israel. In politic no black or white.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
So is Allah the creator?

Allah is the creator. HE had perfected the religion Islam for mankind. Watever crimes or good deeds he or she will be judged accordgly. If u read the bible or Quran u will realise past sinful civilisations who rejected the prophets n God's teachg were destroyed miserably! But has mankind learn fm history?
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Allah is the creator. HE had perfected the religion Islam for mankind. Watever crimes or good deeds he or she will be judged accordgly. If u read the bible or Quran u will realise past sinful civilisations who rejected the prophets n God's teachg were destroyed miserably! But has mankind learn fm history?
So why is rape allowed by the mudslimes?