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Malls and restaurants lovers again




More like children.

Before Covid officially started, they had an 'Event 201' exercise/drill.

And now...

The World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins, and Bill Gates Just Conducted Another Pandemic Simulation — This Time The Virus Is Deadlier And Targets Children​

People still don't wake up and think that they can give away their power easily and do whatever the govt tells them to. U and ur family will die from such disempowerment.


More like children.

Before Covid officially started, they had an 'Event 201' exercise/drill.

And now...

The World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins, and Bill Gates Just Conducted Another Pandemic Simulation — This Time The Virus Is Deadlier And Targets Children​


I believe in divine justice. Kids are a gift, God has undivided grace and mercy for them. Keep killing the kids, I want to see God pour His wrath on these fuckers



Second fully-vaccinated journalist DIES at the FIFA World Cup… what’s killing them?​

Two journalists DIED in the same weekend while covering the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. The first journalist to die “suddenly and unexpectedly” was Grant Wahl, a 48-year-old soccer journalist from the US. One report claimed Wahl died from a heart attack while working in the press room. Another report claimed that he had been struggling with a “strong cold” that was later diagnosed as bronchitis. No cause was identified for Grant’s sudden and unexpected death. Witnesses say Grant was laughing about a video just minutes before he passed out.

The second journalist to die suddenly and unexpectedly was Khalid al-Misslam – a young photojournalist from Qatar’s Al Kass TV. There are no reports currently available on the cause of Khalid’s death. Al Kass TV has been very quiet about the cause of the sudden death of one of their own journalists.

“Al Kass TV photojournalist Khalid al-Misslam passed away recently,” reported Qatari news media outlet, Gulf Times. “Al- Misslam, a Qatari, died suddenly while covering the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. We believe in Allah’s mercy and forgiveness for him, and send our deepest condolences to his family. We are all Allah’s and to Him we return,” the post concluded.

Medical and media establishment are no longer assured in the cause of death for millions​

When it came to people dying in 2020, the medical establishment had all the answers. In 2020, the medical establishment knew exactly what every old person was dying from, and the corporate media marketed the cause of people’s death with full assurance. Every underlying chronic health issue, every comorbidity, every medical error, every harmful protocol, and every other infectious disease known to man was forgotten and overwritten, as the medical establishment relied on a faulty, fraudulent covid-19 test to determine, with arrogant certainty, the cause of death for millions of people globally.


However, when fully-vaccinated young people pass away suddenly in 2022, the medical establishment no longer has all the answers. People are no longer lining up en masse for the faulty, fraudulent covid-19 test to “confirm” that they are sick with something called covid-19. The medical fraud is unwinding. In late 2021, the entire nation of Italy raised the alarm on the misuse of the covid-19 PCR test, and they reduced its COVID-19 death toll by 97%.

Back in 2020, when covid-19 positive individuals were barred from efficacious treatments and forced on remdesivir — their kidneys failing from the drug — the public was told to believe that covid-19 is the cause of death. When covid-19 positive individuals were sedated, put on ventilators, and isolated from advocates and family, the public was told to believe their death was caused by people who didn’t stay home, or people who didn’t wear a mask, or people who didn’t vaccinate.

Mass deception in 2020 continues in 2022 as medical establishment ignores vaccine holocaust​

The same mass deception of 2020 is alive and well in 2022, but today, the covid-19 label is used less frequently. The death of millions of people today is now coming from “unknown causes” or “sudden adult death syndrome.” The corporate media no longer advertises a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Today’s death wave is currently labeled “sudden and unexpected.” Vaccinated individuals are dying within two years of taking the jabs, and the medical and media establishment pretends a person’s vaccine status has nothing to do with these medical atrocities. This new mRNA technology was supposed to be the savior of the world, but the vaccine isn’t conveying immunity, and all the inflammation from the vaccine is causing serious reactions, blood clots, neurological issues, and fatal heart damage.

In the case of Grant Wahl, the covid-19 vaccine was his science, his savior. In his twitter posts, he reassured himself that if he did get covid, it wouldn’t be serious. In Copenhagen in June 2021, he gloated about being free to watch a soccer tournament because he was fully vaccinated, while the unvaccinated were segregated. Strangely enough, he chose not to eat in restaurants or socialize, and he wore a mask indoors, despite being vaccinated and boosted.

On December 17, 2021, he claimed death on the unvaccinated. “If you’re unvaccinated at this point, you’re asking to be hospitalized or worse.” Grant also parroted government lies and told everyone to get the injections “for your community, for your country, for yourself.”

His wife, Dr. Celine Gounder, actually worked for the Biden administration’s covid-19 task force. Grant’s interview with his wife did NOT age well. Dr. Gounder said in a now infamous tweet: “Saying ‘the vaccines don’t work’ is ‘like saying seat belts don’t prevent all injuries in car accidents, so seat belts are useless. The vaccines are working very well at protecting against severe disease, hospitalization, and death.”


If they can cull 30% of children, the knock on effects in the future would mean a significant reduction in human population. Those that will breed will be probably 50% successful raising the child to adulthood.

Hooray!!! At least I am sure Supercucks like @porcaputtana will not have their genes propagated.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If they can cull 30% of children, the knock on effects in the future would mean a significant reduction in human population. Those that will breed will be probably 50% successful raising the child to adulthood.

Hooray!!! At least I am sure Supercucks like @porcaputtana will not have their genes propagated.

Cull, sterilize or make perpetually sick.

Many ways to skin a cat.

And for the 'survivors'... have you considered euthanasia a.k.a medical assisted suicide? :biggrin: