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[Malaysia] - Mahathir says, "Johor Crown Prince is a STUPID SMALL BOY who should SHUT UP!!!"


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

PUTRAJAYA, May 6 — Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Ibrahim is a “little boy” and should not talk publicly about matters when he may not have full knowledge about them, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said in a media interview today.

The prime minister at first refused to comment on Johor’s Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar and the Malay Ruler’s relationship with the Pakatan Harapan state government, but did not hold his tongue when it comes to the prince known with the moniker TMJ, or Tengku Mahkota Johor.

“This TMJ is a little boy,” Dr Mahathir told the press in a group interview ahead of his government’s first-year anniversary on May 9.

“He is stupid, because he doesn’t know what is happening. So don’t talk when you don’t know anything. Don’t talk,” the PM said.

The row between the two worsened after the resignation of Datuk Osman Sapian as the state mentri besar and Putrajaya’s withdrawal from the Rome Statute, which led to a public tiff on the powers of state rulers as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

Last month, Tunku Ismail told outsiders to stay out of Johor’s affairs and even stated that the people need to change the prime minister.

Reacting to this, Dr Mahathir noted that ascension to the throne is not cast in stone for the heir-designate even as he pointed out that prime ministers could only be changed by public vote in a democracy.

Entrepreneur Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof also said previously that if Johor’s royalty want the people’s respect and acceptance, then they must know their role as state’s ruler and not interfere in the country’s administration.

Dr Mahathir had said before that Tunku Ismail is free to state his opinions so long as his remarks are within the law.

The PM said the government took note of Tunku Ismail and his views similarly to how it would give attention to any ordinary Malaysian.

The crown prince is a noted critic of Pakatan Harapan and, prior to the 14th general election, appeared to stump for Barisan Nasional by urging voters to change a country’s fate and improving the system by changing it from the inside instead of bringing down a government.

Similarly, Dr Mahathir has a history of disagreements with the Malay Rulers, notably during his first stint as prime minister from 1981 to 2003.



The m&d royalty in jiuhu are nothing but leeches and parasites.

They are actually CORRUPTS & BULLIES. Fucking selling DATO & TAN SRI etc titles for $$$$$. Exploit privileges etc.

Since Tun Dr M defeated UMNO & put Najib Rosmah on trial. He should swing the momentum of hammer to demolish monarchy for once and for all. Make himself president and Anwar PM. Fucking Japs Emperor also abdicated himself. Monarchies can all go fuck spider unless they are the classic Carnage Warlord proclaimed rulers. Now all are Bapoks cannot go war, Chiak Liao Bee!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They are actually CORRUPTS & BULLIES. Fucking selling DATO & TAN SRI etc titles for $$$$$. Exploit privileges etc.

Since Tun Dr M defeated UMNO & put Najib Rosmah on trial. He should swing the momentum of hammer to demolish monarchy for once and for all. Make himself president and Anwar PM. Fucking Japs Emperor also abdicated himself. Monarchies can all go fuck spider unless they are the classic Carnage Warlord proclaimed rulers. Now all are Bapoks cannot go war, Chiak Liao Bee!

Most m&ds think that because the sultans own land, therefore they too own land. That's how we get that nonsense 'the land belongs to the m&ds'.

The hard truth is that the land was owned by only one m&d family because they were the sultanate, and they certainly do not believe in the crap that the rest of the m&d peasantry share in their land ownership simply because the sultan is a fellow m&d.


Most m&ds think that because the sultans own land, therefore they too own land. That's how we get that nonsense 'the land belongs to the m&ds'.

The hard truth is that the land was owned by only one m&d family because they were the sultanate, and they certainly do not believe in the crap that the rest of the m&d peasantry share in their land ownership simply because the sultan is a fellow m&d.

Grandpa generation Malays believed that UMNO & Sultans are their safeguards for their Bumi Cock-hair. Since UMNO regime fell. The Pakatan Rakyat better de-throne sultans for once and for all. Castrate the whole KKJ leaving no cock-hair.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Grandpa generation Malays believed that UMNO & Sultans are their safeguards for their Bumi Cock-hair. Since UMNO regime fell. The Pakatan Rakyat better de-throne sultans for once and for all. Castrate the whole KKJ leaving no cock-hair.

The sultans safeguarded nothing. They are just parasites living in the lap of luxury while most of the m&ds live in wooden shacks.


Everybody is a small boy to you lah. You should just focus on trying to bring back your country from ruins.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hopefully, Mahathir's successor will vastly decimate the Malaysian royalty.

All you need is an Agong to perform his ceremonial duties.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If the royals are bad Dr M is no better.
If royals are corrupt Dr M is no saint either.

Dr M was the one to start Mudland in the path of development, bring it from 3rd world to 2nd world. Every politician is corrupt ...it is the degree. Our PAP legalized corruption by paying themselves millions ...so SINKapore seems so pristine in the eyes of the blind world.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mahathir is being too blunt and cocky for his own good. It's not just about the Johor sultanate and TMJ. Calling anyone stupid and small boy is just about the height of disrespect and insult . The Tun only thinks of his own legacy. He doesn't care about PH or Anwar who is supposed to take over from him as PM.