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Malaysia has mat rempit but Singapore crooks hooligan Tour de France wannabe cyclists. 37 of them were fined by lowly paid traffic police



37 road cyclists fined for flouting group size rules in Singapore​



SINGAPORE - A total of 37 cyclists were fined for flouting the rule on cycling group sizes on the road on Sept 28 and Oct 13.

The cyclists were caught during enforcement operations conducted by officers from the Traffic Police (TP) and Land Transport Authority (LTA), the authorities said in a joint statement on Oct 18.

Current restrictions limit cyclists riding in groups to five if cycling in a single file, or 10 cyclists riding two abreast on roads with more than one lane.


During the enforcement operations, TP and LTA officers also engaged cyclists to raise awareness on cycling rules and guidelines.

Cyclists found guilty of flouting the cycling group size rule will be fined $150, the statement said. The composition fine amount was raised since Jan 1, 2022, to improve road safety and applies to those who break other existing cycling rules. The fine was previously $75.

Other cycling rules include failure to stop at red lights, cycling on expressways, and riding abreast of another cyclist along single lane roads or within bus lanes during bus lane operational hours.

“TP and LTA will continue to conduct enforcement operations against errant cyclists and will not hesitate to take action against them,” the statement said.