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Malaysia Ah Beng Boleh - SG Ah Beng Bodoh


Actually if SG Ah Beng did this LKY's CID (Casino Gambling Unit!!) will come and ask for lucky draw license!


QUIRKY ASIA: Mee goreng seller stirs interest with lucky draw
Asia News NetworkBy Derrick Vinesh in Butterworth/The Star | ANN – Wed, Apr 13, 2011 6:20 PM SGT

Butterworth (The Star/ANN) - A mee goreng (fried noodles) seller in Malaysia has come up with an ingenious way to attract customers he is offering a 21-inch television set as the top prize in a lucky draw.

P. Muniandy, 46, claims there is no catch in his promotion as his noodles “do not cost a bomb” and coupons are given to customers to fill in their particulars.

He said a DVD player and a mobile phone were also offered as second and third prizes respectively and 10 electric jug kettles would be given away as consolation prizes.

“There will be 10 special prizes of coupons for two free plates of mee goreng and a soft drink each," he said at his Anndy Mee Goreng stall at Guan Seng Restaurant along Lorong Teras Jaya 7, Teras Jaya Business Park in Raja Uda.

Muniandy said a special draw would be held at the restaurant at 9pm on Saturday (April 16) where the winners' names would be announced.

He claimed he had collected more than 6,000 coupons since the contest was launched three months ago.

“With the lucky draw, I've received an additional 20 to 30 customers daily, compared to about 50 customers on weekdays and 100 on weekends," he added.

During the Christmas season last year, he gave away 1,000 vouchers offering a 50sen discount for each plate of mee goreng.

“This time, I decided to use a little creativity," he added.

Muniandy said he spent about 2,000 ringgit to buy the prizes at a 20% discount from an electrical store.

Apart from mee goreng, he also sells mee jawa, maggi jawa, fried koay teow, fried jawa koay teow and pasembur at 3 ringgit for regular servings and 3.50 ringgit for large servings.

The stall is open from noon to 10pm daily.

Restaurant owner Gee Cheng Hock, who contributed 600 ringgit to print the coupons and banners, said many customers were attracted to Muniandy's food not just because of the contest but also for its taste.

“I will help him to organise another contest later where we plan to give away return air tickets to Bangkok, Taiwan and Hong Kong," he added.