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Malays also know ancient Chinese martial arts now

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
The most popular martial artist in tiongland now.

A lot of real kung fu has been destroyed by CCP during the cultural revolution. Now, most of the real things can only be found outside of CCP China.

THE MARTIAL CAMP 2020 Video Highlights • Taiji Quan | Wing Chun | 5 Ancestors Fist | Prana Dynamics​

Video highlights from THE MARTIAL CAMP 2019 | Internal Martial Arts Training Camp Thailand​

Yap Boh Heong - Video highlights from THE MARTIAL CAMP 2019 (Extended version)​



can't watch vids

hongkies produced some good martial arts vids
had some great martial artists actors stuntsman

unmatched by jews in hollywood who are too much of a dumbf@rk generally to understand or appreciate the depth of it

and unmatched by japs or gooks, taiwanese or even the source itself - tiongkok


maybe CCP responsible for that mess too
lousy CCP propaganda and all

shout loud from the top about lousy unmatched "china speed"

end up
after 40+ years of opening up
at their slow unmatched china speed

they can't even smash crush decimate pulverize a smaller CECA country

a feat that has no parallel in history

if you add yanks+ceca

going into the future even next 30 years
no way can tiongs surpass the combo

not in population
not in military might
military tech
civilian tech
scientific high quality papers or research
or anything noteworthy

lousy tiongs
overhyped tiongs who can't do anything exceptional at all
pathetic bums


they learnt silat from Hang Tuah who was Chinese from Yunnan so was Hang Li Po a Chinese princess who married Sultan Mahmood

syed putra

they learnt silat from Hang Tuah who was Chinese from Yunnan so was Hang Li Po a Chinese princess who married Sultan Mahmood
How do you know she was a princess and not a whore?
Historians could not corroborate wrt hang tuah, hang jebat etc, they say these people are myths,