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Maggie mee hawker

Aaron carter


Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen all ya instant noodle junkies out there, coz some harebrained hombre has actually taken it upon himself to "perpetrate" a balls-to-the-wall hawker wheeze catering just for your addiction. Curly King (renamed from Maggie King which we thought sounded more germane, but hey whatever) by - let's call the bugger Richmond per his wishes - sparked off last December in an Upper Boon Keng Road eating place, frying one pretty mean shindig of umami-rouged maggi mee (à la tom yum, mala, X.O tuneups) that may be interchangeably accessorized with chicken/pork cutlet, shrimp or crab meat. Branch no.2 at Compassvale Drive got underway on 18 March; both as of this writing operate daily from 11am-10pm.

More at https://www.thefooddossier.com/2024/05/curly-king.html