Angmoh the BEST! Landing gear problem still landed safely. Fucking chinks would have bailed out.
Rubbish! Totally the opposite!
The video showed that the plane actually can land, all the COWARD PANIC ARE UNNECESSARY! Chow Ang Moh Cowards dumped missiles and will endanger marine safety fishermen and fishing boats. Lost $4.5 millions & the extra emergency costs!
PLA have dozens pilot saved aircrafts and peasants lives taking own live risk, I recall about 8 killed themselves by missing chance to eject or gave their own lives by decided not to eject in order to remain in control of aircraft to steer furthest away from populated areas, when malfunctions happened.
PLA awarded them martyrs, massive number of peasants sent off his funeral to appreciate his scarify saving their lives.
In this world no air force pilots are so brave and willing to die for service like PLA. The country and govt give highest honor and benefit to families of martyrs, nothing in any country can compare.
2017-11-22 18:20 交汇点
编辑: 陈月飞
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2033356 2010/5/20 14:55:46
480 71164



军人核心价值观教育,使飞行员在处置重大空中特情时真正做到上不愧天、下不愧地、内不愧心,视人民群众利益高于一切、重于一切。 5月7日被批准为
军人核心价值观教育的生动教材。空军飞行员们表示,要像冯思广那样热爱祖国、热爱人民,为构建和谐社会倾心竭力。(来源:济南日报 505096转载)

冯思广烈士“走”出他熟悉的营门。(图片转自:人民网 文章来源:济南日报




家乡父老乡亲迎接英烈重归故里(图 崔文斌 摄)
在生死考验中,冯思广、张德山用自己的英雄行为,模范践行了当代军人的核心价值观,冯思广更是用年轻的生命,践行了人民军队热爱人民的崇高信念。为有牺牲多壮志,英名浩存天地间。他们的英雄壮举,值得我们永远敬仰和学习。要学习他们视人民利益高于一切的崇高思想境界;学习他们视死如归,在生死关头英勇无畏的献身精神;学习他们爱军精武、沉着冷静、临危不惧的能力和本领,化悲痛为力量,切实做好本职工作,报效国家和人民。军爱民,民拥军,共同谱写军民团结一家人的时代最强音。(来源:齐鲁网 505096转载)
在生死考验中,冯思广、张德山用自己的英雄行为,模范践行了当代军人的核心价值观,冯思广更是用年轻的生命,践行了人民军队热爱人民的崇高信念。为有牺牲多壮志,英名浩存天地间。他们的英雄壮举,值得我们永远敬仰和学习。要学习他们视人民利益高于一切的崇高思想境界;学习他们视死如归,在生死关头英勇无畏的献身精神;学习他们爱军精武、沉着冷静、临危不惧的能力和本领,化悲痛为力量,切实做好本职工作,报效国家和人民。军爱民,民拥军,共同谱写军民团结一家人的时代最强音。(来源:齐鲁网 505096转载)
深度追踪空军飞机坠毁全过程(图示) :


(来源:新华网 505096转载)
本文内容于 2010-5-22 8:08:13 被2033356编辑
The martyr gave up the parachute sacrifice should not be harsh, the pilot knows better than us how to choose
2017-11-22 18:20 Meeting point
On the 7th of this month, Huang Peng, a pilot of the Yuxian County of Hunan Province and a pilot of the flight squadron, was attacked by an aircraft accident during flight training. In order to save the fighters, Huang Peng abandoned the best chance of escape and eventually died heroically, only 30 years old. After the accident, people sighed for the heroes and raised two old topics: whether they should protect the plane in the event of an accident or a strong parachute to protect the pilot, and who is more precious to the pilot and the plane.
(Huang Peng is driving the J-11B fighter) (Huang Peng is driving the J-11B fighter)
There is no doubt that the price and operating costs of modern fighters are extremely expensive. For example, our military trains the K-8 trainers commonly used by pilots, each of which is about 20 million yuan, and has a life expectancy of about 8,000-10,000 flight hours. In this way, only the oil money and aircraft depreciation expenses are calculated, and the flight cost per hour exceeds 10,000 yuan. According to media reports, the Chinese Air Force used 歼 -7 to train 100 students to spend about 2.45 billion yuan, so it takes an average of 25 million yuan to train a trainee.
(K-8 trainer) (K-8 trainer)
In the United States, the cost per flight hour of the F-22 Raptor is about $30,000. The same four-generation machine, the Hong Kong media "Ta Kung Pao" said that the hourly flight cost of the J-20 fighter is 300,000 yuan. This data does not know the authoritative basis, but it should be high or low, and it should be a lot higher.
(F-22 in the hangar, such four-generation machine is extremely expensive to operate, but still not as valuable as the pilot) (F-22 is in the hangar, such four-generation machine is extremely expensive to operate, but still not as good as the pilot valuable)
There is a reference here. The price announced by the Russian side for the purchase of the Su-35 fighter jet by our army is about 80 million US dollars, or about 500 million yuan, which is only the price of the body itself. Counting on-board equipment, supporting ammunition, etc., usually at least double the price. Calculated according to the life of the body 2000-4000 hours (not counting the medium-term life extension), plus expensive aviation fuel costs (plus at least 10 tons or more, the price exceeds 100,000 yuan), so that the cost per hour is close The Ta Kung Pao said 300,000 yuan. If you count the normal training and ground support, the flight cost of the 3.5-generation machine of the Su-35 is likely to increase. So obviously, the four-generation machine that needs a special machine shed will only cost more.
(At present, there are many Su-35s joining the Chinese Air Force) (currently many Su-35s have joined the Chinese Air Force)
But compared to the value of the pilot, the value of the aircraft is not necessarily expensive. For the cost of cultivating a pilot, there is a common saying that it is about the same weight as gold. What is the authenticity of this statement? Take our military as an example. At the beginning of the selection, the country will spend a lot of selection costs, and the flight can be said to be "one thousand miles." To become a flight student is just a start. To become a pilot who can take on the task of combat duty before Huang Peng, he has to undergo "three-level five-stage" training. The so-called "three levels" are college training, base training, and army training. The "five-stage" is basic training, initial education, high-education training, modified training, and tactical training. All the above trainings, from "flying seedlings" to a "novice" that can only fly three generations of machines, have been spent for five years, and the expenses are already very alarming. According to the statistics of the Air Force of China in 1986, it takes 2.87 million yuan to train a J-8 pilot who can take on the task of combat duty. The bomber-6 requires 4.65 million yuan, equivalent to 57 kg and 93 kg of gold, respectively. The weight is basically equal.
This is still only the second generation machine. It is widely believed that a mature three-generation aircraft pilot must have 1,000 hours of flight experience in the relevant model. As the flight captain of the third-generation aircraft, Huang Peng is certainly not low in flight hours. It is certainly not an exaggeration for the cost of training to exceed the weight of the pilot.
(歼-15 fighter with a forced landing) (歼-15 fighter with a forced landing)
The new data shows that the pilot's "worth" with gold is already yellow. Ma Dong, director of the Air Force's Nanjing International Selection Center, told the media that a qualified fighter pilot must reach 800 hours of flight training time, and the cost per hour is 400,000 yuan. Coupled with other expenses, training a fighter pilot requires at least 340 million yuan. In the recent news report that the 歼-15 carrier-based fighter plane crashed into the air and the pilot Cao Xianjian was driving and landing with fire, it can be known that the 歼-15, which is not high in output, is about 400 million yuan. Considering that the pilots of this type of fighter are currently selected from the "old bird" pilots (at least 5 aircraft, flying more than 1000 hours, three generations of fighters flying more than 500 hours), once sacrificed " The sunk cost will greatly exceed the value of the Flying Shark fighter. For example, the sacrifice of Zhang Chao’s martyrs is difficult to estimate.
(Zhang Chao Martyrs are on the 歼-15) (Zhang Chao Martyrs are on the 歼-15)
However, we have noticed that examples such as Huang Peng’s efforts to save the fighters are still in an endless stream. How should we understand this phenomenon?
For the test aircraft and the prototype, the aircraft that the pilot took back is definitely worthwhile. In this regard, our famous test pilot Li Zhonghua once said in CCTV that many times a plane is not just a matter of money. This is very reasonable, because the problem that caused the failure of the aircraft may exist on all the same fighters or other improved fighters in the same series. We have seen that after some military aircraft accidents, the military’s actions are often grounded. Model fighters, until the exclusion of hidden dangers, sometimes this stop is a few months. To save the fighters and discover hidden dangers, it is possible to save the comrades of the same type of fighters.
(Li Zhonghua said that he still has to do his best to save the fighters if he is not as good as the mountains and rivers.) (Li Zhonghua said that he still has to do his best to save the fighters if they don’t have enough water)
From the purpose of the test flight, if there is a fault, the skydiving, then many of the causes of the failure are difficult to explore on the wreckage of the aircraft. Even if there is a "black box" on the plane, there may be problems of data corruption and incomplete data recording. What's more, the pilot's subjective feeling is unmatched by any sensor.
Dropping the special model such as the prototype, for the production machine, it is certainly the value of the pilot is higher than the aircraft, there is no doubt. For ground commanders, it is also impossible to be unclear about the cost of training the pilot and the value of the aircraft. In the news report of Cao Xianjian, the ground commander said in an interview that if the plane is found to be uncontrollable, then he must be ordered to leave the plane. This shows that the ground does not require the pilot to leave the order to keep the fighter.
It is a professional instinct for the pilot to rescue the fighter and eventually bring it back to the fighter, or to make it controlled to crash and avoid injury to the ground personnel in an unsustainable situation. One argument is that a pilot who jumps directly on a plane cannot grow into a good pilot. His professional self-esteem does not allow him to abandon the plane as soon as he encounters problems - this is in general with the "human life is higher than Everything "of course has contradictions. Modern warplane accidents are fast, difficult to land, and technically demanding. For the public, it should be understood that pilots, as long-term professionals, must make more choices than sitting on a safe ground. They should respect them. s Choice.
(Aircraft ejection test, there are not many good ejection conditions in actual flight) (Aircraft ejection test, there are not many good ejection conditions in actual flight)
At the same time, it must be clear that pilots who sacrifice such "tuition fees" must pay, although sometimes it is too expensive. China has avoided many accidents because of its latecomer advantage, but there are still many obstacles that must be ruled out by human “violence”. This process is likely to be accompanied by sacrifice. For example, in the field of carrier aircraft, the most critical flight control system fault involving aircraft attitude control, because it is a combination of software and hardware, whether there is a BUG is not found in the machine room to debug, must also rely on the actual operation .
(Photo of the US Army "Forrest" aircraft carrier aircraft accident) (Photo of the US Army "Forrest" aircraft carrier aircraft accident)
Our army has already sacrificed more than 2,000 pilots, and it is expected that more sacrifices will occur on this road, which is inevitable. In the case of the US Navy, the absolute leader in the field of carrier aircraft, in 2008, 16 aircraft and 35 people were killed as a result of the accident. In the 1950s, when the jet carrier aircraft was just put into military applications, the number of US Navy carrier aircraft accidents was even more ridiculous: in 1953, there were 2,266 Class A flight accidents, 700 aircraft loss, and 423 outstanding pilots; 1954 In the year, 776 aircraft and 535 carrier-based pilots were lost. This scale has been put into the present, which is equivalent to the annual return of the US active carrier aircraft. And just as the author wrote this paragraph, the US "Reagan" aircraft carrier aircraft fleet C-2 "Greyhound" transport aircraft disappeared, adding the latest blood color footnote for this example.
(The test pilot Xu Yongling himself fell twice) (test pilot Xu Yongling himself fell twice)
To support the power of the great powers, the road is so full of thorns and danger. In 2005, a US retired pilot pointed out in his book that the US Air Force would drop an airplane every 10 days. In April last year, Zhang Chao’s sacrifice, other Chinese troops also had flight accidents. Xu Yongling, the chief test pilot of the J-10, pointed out after the disclosure of the death of Zhang Chao’s martyrs: “Flight risk is part of the flight, and its laws can be recognized and mastered. We can gradually reduce the flight with good training and scientific risk management. The accident rate, but the absolute "zero accident" is difficult to do. The accident is not terrible. What is important is that we can find out the regularity and experience from the technical interpretation of the accident."
Editor: Chen Yuefei
Iron network
Iron and Blood Military > Iron and Blood Military Forum > Air Force Forum > Pilots to avoid the plane crash in Jinan City, postponed parachuting heroic sacrifice (rolling update!)
Pilots sacrificed the parachute heroic sacrifice in order to avoid the plane crashing in Jinan City (rolling update!)
2033356 2010/5/20 14:55:46 480 71164
Guide: On the evening of May 6, a plane of a certain division of the Jinan Air Force suddenly stopped during the continuous take-off, and there was a danger of falling in the urban area of Jinan. In order to avoid causing major accidents, the two pilots tried their best to change the flight path, in which the pilot Feng Siguang sacrificed for missing the best time to parachute!
These are the photos of the air force pilot Feng Siguang’s martyr, to see how sunny and handsome the Jikong pilot Feng Siguang
Jagged website reminds you: Click to view larger image
Feng Siguang's photo at the flight school
For five years, the years have been dedicated to the country, and in the 28th year, Fenghua Zhengmao has dedicated himself to the people.
In the past few days, Quancheng Jinan has spread the heroic deeds of the Jikong pilot Feng Siguang to defend the lives and property of the people: On the evening of May 6, Feng Siguang and the squadron leader Zhang Deshan drove the engine to stop suddenly during the continuous takeoff, in order to avoid the plane falling. In the densely populated area of Jinan, Feng Siguang put his personal life and death out of the way, and together with Zhang Deshan decisively changed the flight path, but he sacrificed the best time to miss the skydiving. "He used a precious life of 28 years old to write a song of loyalty to the party and love the people!" Feng Siguang said that Zhan Renming, a division commander of the Jikong Air Force, said that on May 6, the division organized a cross-day flight in Jinan. At 20:51, pilots Feng Siguang and Zhang Deshan took off. At 21:30, the second landing continued to take off at a height of about 50 meters. The engine sound suddenly decreased and the thrust dropped rapidly. The rear cabin pilot Zhang Deshan hurriedly reported to the ground that "I stopped." The flight commander and division chief of staff, Shen Shufan, was decisive. Issue instructions: skydiving! parachute!
At the beginning of the millennium, Feng Siguang and Zhang Deshan are very clear: not far from the front and the bottom of the plane is a large residential area and night market. If you don't change the flight path, the consequences are unimaginable!
At the juncture of life and death, Feng Siguang and Zhang Deshan have only one idea: to maximize the protection of the lives and property of the people. They did not immediately abandon the aircraft to parachute, pushed the steering column forward in unison, and quickly pushed the aircraft from the elevation angle of 12.3 degrees to a depression angle of 9.8 degrees, and saw that the flight path had avoided the residential area before the parachuting was implemented. The flight ginseng record shows that before the pilot parachuted, the steering column was pushed 44 mm forward, thus changing the flight path.
According to the aircraft seat ejection procedure, the rear cabin is ejected before the front cabin at an interval of 1.1 seconds. Just between this 1.1 seconds, Zhang Deshan, the rear cabin pilot who jumped out first, successfully parachuted. When the front cabin pilot parachuted, the height of the aircraft was only 32 meters, and it had a 16 degree depression angle, which was lower than the height of the ejection safety envelope. After the ejection, the parachute did not open and fell, and the front cabin pilot Feng Siguang sacrificed heroically.
The "pushing rod" of the crew's choice of life and death changed the flight path of the aircraft, changed the life course of a young pilot, and protected the lives and property of the people. According to the survey, the distance between the plane and the residential area is 230 meters, and there are villages, hotels, factories, markets and logistics stations nearby. The resident population is about 4,000. If not two pilots are at risk