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M Ladies need your support


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's easy to make money in this industry if you do specials and those 'anti-vice' jiakliaobees don't create trouble.

A Singaporean

Why is she not a citizen yet? All prostitutes and masseuses all entitle to Citizenship as they are global talents.


It's easy to make money in this industry if you do specials and those 'anti-vice' jiakliaobees don't create trouble.

Possible her buy out time is already pay by her loyal customers.
If not it's crazy she accept paying her employer absent leaves

syed putra

Why is she not a citizen yet? All prostitutes and masseuses all entitle to Citizenship as they are global talents.
If president post is reserved for malays, there will be no such new citizens.

I thi k there is a minimum working hours per week in the employment law and anything above that triggers over time payment.