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M’sian Couple Taken Aback By Angry Uncle Accusing Them Of Having S*x In MRT



M’sian Couple Taken Aback By Angry Uncle Accusing Them Of Having S*x In MRT​


NOVEMBER 22, 2023

Sources: Pexels/Tan Tan News

Sources: Pexels/Tan Tan News

Public displays of affection (PDA) can range from tooth-achingly sweet to downright lewd. But, this local couple claims an uncle on the MRT overreacted after he saw them leaning quietly on each other.
Couples doing couple things can get a bit much at times, especially when it can endanger others. But, according to this pair, they didn’t think they were doing anything wrong when an uncle started harassing them. Confused and slighted, they’ve asked the internet for some clarity.
Source: Flickr
The story reportedly appeared on 小红书 (Xiao Hong Shu). According to the girl, her boyfriend had complained his chest was feeling uncomfortable, allegedly due to an asthma attack, so she got him to lay his head on her shoulder to rest. While watching something on their phones, her boyfriend kissed her on the head. “Then I realised that this Malay guy (had) started recording us,” she stated.
The girl was adamant they had not cuddled or kissed each other. So, they asked the man why he was recording them. To their shock, he started shouting and swearing instead. “You know what you done? If you want to do private things go do it in private area. This is public you should respect public. F**k you, what the f**k is this? If you want to s*x, go (to a) private place and do it,” he reportedly shouted.
The accusation left the couple confused and frightened. “We didn’t do anything,” the girl insisted. “Why do you say we did that? We didn’t kiss or hug each other! We know how to behave according to the situation.” The girl added that they did apologise in the end, however the man remained upset. She admitted they regretted not confronting the man further.
Source: Tan Tan News
We can’t deny that PDA can sometimes get on people’s nerves, however, hurling abuse at couples isn’t the right thing to do either. What do you guys think? Is giving your other half a kiss on the head too brazen for the public? Or is the man just feeling the sting of being alone?
Sources: Sin Chew Daily, Tan Tan News

True Believer

M’sian Couple Taken Aback By Angry Uncle Accusing Them Of Having S*x In MRT
Public displays of affection (PDA) can range from tooth-achingly sweet to downright lewd. But, this local couple claims an uncle on the MRT overreacted after he saw them leaning quietly on each other.
Couples doing couple things can get a bit much at times, especially when it can endanger others. But, according to this pair, they didn’t think they were doing anything wrong when an uncle started harassing them. Confused and slighted, they’ve asked the internet for some clarity.
Muslims will consider girls wearing tank tops, mini-skirts and shorts to be as good as being naked in public. Maybe these people should just stay at home if they are going to be so uptight and sensitive about how others behave affectionately and dress to beat the tropical heat.