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Lubtard BBC love 377A repeal


Alfrescian (Inf)
Not surprising for BBC which had covered up for Jimmy Savile the pedophile back in the day. :cool:

Singapore Dancing Spirit

The word BUGGERY in British English is synonymous with Sodomy or Homo-sexuality. It also stands for anal sex.

Everyone thinks 377A is an OLD Colonial /USELESS LAW, including law minister of SG.
PAP leaders were happily repealing 377A without knowing the consequences because they are all one among them in the closet. But they need to come out of the closet.

Satan has been promoting all men to be gay. He asked me to be a gay too, but he forced me to fall prey to the Sodomy as well but i declined on multiple occasions.

ᗰY TᗩᑎGIᗷᒪE ᔕE᙭ᑌᗩᒪ EᑎᑕOᑌᑎTEᖇ ᗯITᕼ TᕼE ᔕTᖇOᑎGEᔕT ᗰᗩᑎ (ᗰᖇ. ᒪᑌᑕIᖴEᖇ)

When i was age 16 (prime of my youth), satan initiated Gay sex with me. I was carried away by the wander lust that night and i could not see him because the bedroom was so dark and i was half-sleep. As i can recall, i felt someone gently touched my hands and took my hands to his private part and forced to grab his genitals (penis) that i did not feel comfortable with.

i suddenly remember removing my hands away forcefully from him and tried to sleep. Within 10 minutes later, i felt that he initiated sex again. He seemed so persistent this time to hold my hands so tightly to rub my hands on his private parts. I felt his penis half-erected slowly as my heart beat was buzzed up. i remember, I removed my hands away from his genitals 2nd time and woke up to turn the lights ON and spiritually felt he was leaving my room immediately. ‘

Even though he forced me to hold his cock, but I was so disgusted to remove my hands off from his cock. From that day until today he has been telling me, see everyone is gay and that I should sleep with him. He is NOT giving me a time to breath but trying to persuade me to be a gay.

To my surprise Satan promoted a movie called ---> GAY JESUS

"G A Y J E S U S"

This is to take all Christian men to be gays and the rest of the Christians to follow LGBTQ+ lifestyle

It was 45 minutes long cheaply made comedy and revolves around Jesus showing up for a surprise 30th birthday party with a new “friend” by the name of Orlando.

Once upon a time in a cheap Jerusalem hotel room, Jesus and Orlando are spending their time away from Nazareth between hot, sweaty, carnal love and preparing sermons for Jesus' growing fanbase. Enter Mary Magdalene, jealousy, Satan, and the Romans, and the once-perfect love affair between Orlando and Jesus becomes a hellish ring of fire, leading Judas to betray his beloved Christ and the Romans to punish everyone for trying to turn everyone gay.

The BLACK guy on the MOVIE is NOT a real Jesus. The white guy Orlando is NOT a real Lucifer either. In reality, JESUS is the most handsome man ever lived on earth. Lucifer on the other hand is the ugliest person still mocking Christ.

How does Lucifer look alike?? It is not a suspense anymore. It is an OPEN secret.

ᗯᕼO Iᔕ ❝ᔕᗩTᗩᑎ❞ Oᖇ ❝ᗩᒪᒪ ᔕEEIᑎG EYE❞? ‘
❶ He is about 6 feet tall, and he can enter into any closed doors invisibly, yet you can feel his body (flesh ‘n’ bones) tangibly
❷ His face resembles the one in the picture below. As i was inspired by my Spirit to visit Loyang Tua Pek Kong located in 20 Loyang Way, Singapore 508774 and I recognized him in one of the idols there. I can substantiate this further u want to know more.
❸ He has a utter darkest skin - darker than African negros as you see in the picture below
❹ He is in total nude, and he is barefooted in his realm
❺ He had a BIGGER protruding eye as you see in the picture
❻ He does NOT have hoofs, horns or tails. He does not have WINGS either
❼ He can alter his appearance and height to persuade you to sleep with him tangibly
❽ He is a liar and father of all lies. He makes selected people to be rich and elite.
❾ His penis is exceptionally bigger than human beings (censored in the picture). Mine is uncut about 8 inches, his size is about 13 inches)
❿ He is the head of all devils.

To be continued...

☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:☆

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Singapore Dancing Spirit

I have gotten the Spiritual authority to execute the judgment of God

I will invoke the section 377A in SG and all over the world. Under Divine law, Sodomy--homosexuality in Lev. 20:13 carries a death Penalty.

Statue under the Devine Law:

If a man also lies with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

If any MP in Singapore does NOT believe Bible and the above law, their ignorance will not be accepted as an execuse.

Every male asshole MP in SG and around the globe who sucked cocks and let someone to fcuk him on the ass will face the death penalty. I don't think. any MP in SG could survive as they are all would PLEAD GUILTY (PG) for the Death Penalty because they will be nude and barefooted for all to see. Satan knows this much in advance. God asked him while he was with me if he has ever indicated the consequences. But Satan did NOT utter a word/ When God asked him to speak as he trembled.

Law Minister K. Shanmugam pointed out at Parliament on Monday that since sex between men is not related to "public order issues," it should not be criminalized. Then I discerned that Satan did not reveal a WORD to Mr. Shanmugam. PM Lee was making a statement Repealing of Section 377A is a 'major milestone' for Singapore" as if he had done a wonderful job. Taken together with marriage law amendments, these are balanced, wise steps forward.".

But I believe that is NOT a wise decision ever made by PAP. That is going to bring an END to their regime. To Satan and to the Hell, it may be wise, but it is the stupidest thing even LKY did NOT try any amendment. For this reason, we should not have lawyer from NUS to be a minister here. They only keep CECA as their model. Democracy I India is a failed one.

When did the law came into effect in Biblical times?

Vengeance of God always against Fornication of men with Satan and the fallen angels

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the other two cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh (flesh of fallen angels), are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. (Jude 7). Does Mr. Shanmugam know of this? Does NUS teach such Buggery law to the beggary students? Has he ever visited those places before? This is the most serious law.

Those 4 cities became examples of suffering the vengeance of God in eternal fire (Isa. 66:24; Mt. 25:46; Mk. 9:43-49 Rev. 14:9-11; 20:10-15). However, this law is forgotten by buggery folks all over the world as they want to legalize marriage between same sex partners in their countries. Though same sex marriage is not allowed in certain countries but sleeping with same sex (homosexual) partners are permitted as the law is not enforced.

South Korea is predominantly a Christian country, but they are promoting homosexuality in recent years through their non-binary gay boys in the music and fashion. While Thailand is more abominable with open LGBT lifestyle and gay harlots, ASIANS all over the world are homophobic. Satan claimed to me everyone in SG is a gay and so he tried every opportunity to accept a gay partner as Satan himself.

By looking at Satan, do I get tempted to sleep with him? Even though Satan OPPRESSED me and SUPPRESSED me all through my life, God one day restrained devil if I liked to hold his cock.as he trembled before me. Satan knows that I did not like him, and he could not tempt me with his cock. I have also asked devil on several occasions why is he after me.

I have been dealing with him 18 hours a day consciously. Even while sleeping he drives me nuts with so many bizarre sexual dreams. When I wake up in the morning, I hear the voice of devil. Then God restrained devil very clearly, "Vengeance belongs to Him (God)" as Satan is going beyond his limitations God consoled my soul about the Platform that I would take to judge the World.

To be continued.