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Lower COE quota sends Open category premium to record high of $116,577



Lower COE quota sends Open category premium to record high of $116,577​

Lee Nian Tjoe
Senior Transport Correspondent

SINGAPORE - Certificate of entitlement (COE) premiums shot up across the board at the latest tender exercise that closed on Wednesday, with the Open category surging to an all-time high of $116,577.

There were new records set in two other categories - larger cars and motorcycles.
The latest tender is the first one under the new quota period from November to January, which has 13.8 per cent fewer COEs available than in the previous three-month period from August to October.

In the category for cars above 1,600cc or 130bhp, and electric vehicles (EVs) with more than 110 kilowatts of power, the premium rose from $110,000 to $115,388 - a 4.9 per cent increase which broke the previous record of $113,000 set in September 2022.

The Open category premium of $116,577 was $8,574 above the price of $108,003 set at the previous tender, an increase of 7.9 per cent. It broke the previous record-high of $114,001 set in the second tender exercise in July 2022.

Motorcycle COE climbed to a new high of $13,189 - a hike of 3 per cent over $12,801 at the previous tender.

For less powerful cars with smaller engines, the COE price rose by 7.6 per cent from $81,089 to $87,235.

The price for commercial vehicle COEs is now at $76,302, up 8.7 per cent from $70,201 and nearing the all-time record of $76,310 set in October 2013.


Actually if citizens want, they can play and game this system.

Imagine everyone bid 5 to 10 dollars max, govt jitao ki siao


PAP purposely reduce HDB supplies to jack up prices. Even when they roll out cooling measures, they added a disclaimed that "it is temporary". Then they purposely reduce COE to jack up prices again. Next they up GST.

PAP damned confident man, they feel they're on top of the world and have sinkies by the balls. I don't blame them. Sinkies deserves all these.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually if citizens want, they can play and game this system.

Imagine everyone bid 5 to 10 dollars max, govt jitao ki siao
But sinkies being kiasu kiasi kiabo, how do you decide who gets their COE first and who secures COEs in subsequent bids? Every man for himself mentality lor.


But sinkies being kiasu kiasi kiabo, how do you decide who gets their COE first and who secures COEs in subsequent bids? Every man for himself mentality lor.
Tats y govt make use of our traits to game us. LKY has condition it into our minds and future generations.
The 1st gen is kampong spirits, govt has break it and instil fear in us.
Imagine if we unite tgt & say NO to some policies, we may not make a better place to live in, but at least govt won't juz increase price as & when

syed putra

Buy a tax free jb car and juat pay daily charges. Electric and hybrid tax free till 2024. Save on coe and prohibitive local taxes.


Do car buyers actually know that they are paying $32 every day just to keep the car regardless of road tax, ERP, petrol, insurance etc etc


Insurance companies huat ahhhh.....calculate the insurance premiums based on the market value of the cars which inlcudes the COE which is only a refundable piece of paper if your write off your car.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The fact that Singaporeans are willing to pay more than $100,000 for a piece of paper that lasts just 10 years shows just how rich sinkies are thanks to the PAP.

In NZ I can get the IS350 Sport for $20,000 less than that piece of paper.



Doesn't Sinkies loved to be analised?
About time that a category for citizens are setup.
Otherwise it's just better to migrate.