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Loser Jimmy Carter in Hospice Mahathir?


He was the last of the president that was working for peace.
After Reagan USA became a terrorist nation.
When he is gone Mahathir is the champion!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mahathir will outlive the Queen, the previous Thai King, LKY, and probably Jimmy Carter too. :unsure:

Allah willing, maybe even outlive the detested Yahudis like Kissinger and Soros. :biggrin:


Mahathir will outlive the Queen, the previous Thai King, LKY, and probably Jimmy Carter too. :unsure:

Allah willing, maybe even outlive the detested Yahudis like Kissinger and Soros. :biggrin:

I'm only interested if he can outlive Pinky.

syed putra

He was the last of the president that was working for peace.
After Reagan USA became a terrorist nation.
When he is gone Mahathir is the champion!
Unfortunately, the ayatollahs clobbered him. Working for peace means getting clobbered by third world despot instead of attacking and destroying them.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Jimmy Carter was a lousy President. But a great human being. After him, most Presidents except Trump were both lousy Presidents and human beings.