Retaliate with what? Sticks & stones?
Its offensive weapons are mostly destroyed by the Coalition forces strikes. And MORE strikes should such weapons are discovered.
Its funds for terrorism had run dry, as its economy had been ravage by a decades long war. Shia Persia Iran's economy too is in a bad shape, thru supporting Lebanon, Syria, etc. It even had to sell its gas reserves at cheap prices as there are multiple sanctions upon that country.
7 Billion Humankind should STOP UN from providing further aid to Yemen Houthis. WHY should hard earned money from taxpayers be used to fund terrorists whom are hell bent on impoverishing us thru its illegal piratic acts on the Red Sea? It's an act of insanity - support them to starve & kill us?
The war is over even before it began. May the Houthis come to their senses. There is no need for any further retaliation. It is utter madness to pit themselves - mere thousands against 7 Billion innocent Humankind whom only seeks to put food on the table for their loved ones, to live life & love in peace.
The irony of Peace is that it will have to be defended by arms & sacrifices. Even a child understands such, or are the Houthis born mentally retarded?