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LOL! Sex Politics! 施明德 urge DPP Chair Woman 蔡英文 to admin Lesbianism


Possibly the 1st ROC female presidential candidate lesbian?:rolleyes: DPP's 2 ex-chairmen had a TV political dialoge and 施明德 proposed the current DPP chairwoman who is presidential campaign runner to admit her own lesbianism.


Seemingly both the ex-chairmen are doubtful about 蔡英文 be a good president, due to various aspects.


施明德:如蔡是同志 應大方出櫃

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/04/15 02:55</q> 羅融/台北報導
施 明德說,如果蔡英文真的是同志,就大方出櫃,像德國、冰島的女總理一樣,把台灣帶往更進步的境界,一定讓許多困在衣櫃裡的同志、同志的父母都大為振奮,更 可凸顯台灣的民主進步。施明德也說,陳文茜從學生時代就反權威,那時蔡英文還不知在哪裡,而陳文茜在民進黨文宣部時,蔡還在國民黨內任幕僚,是站在民進黨的對立面,如果台灣真的會出第一位女總統,論政治資歷、IQ、EQ、智慧、能力,陳文茜都比蔡英文好多多。
對 於已落幕的兩場民進黨總統初選政見發表會,施明德說,台灣社會對蔡英文很陌生,就他看來,蔡英文有的只是幕僚經歷,不是國家領導人的經歷,「有這種幕僚經 歷的,國民黨內起碼有卅、四十位」,蔡英文的女性、柔性領導,說難聽就是「沒有領導」,蔡加入民進黨才七年,但思想已老化得像過去的民進黨。


I admire former DPP chairman Shih for many reasons but the photographs he took with his daughters and this latest comment about current chiarman Tsai really piss me off.
For pete's sake, let people remember you for the resilient, incorruptible and unbreakable fighter you were, and not an ageing clown please.


I admire former DPP chairman Shih for many reasons but the photographs he took with his daughters and this latest comment about current chiarman Tsai really piss me off.
For pete's sake, let people remember you for the resilient, incorruptible and unbreakable fighter you were, and not an ageing clown please.

I had met him several time and interview him, he and his wife took us Singaporeans activists for lunch. He believes in transparency. Nudity means hiding nothing to him and I appreciate that. I also don't buy hypocrisy. I never believe in creating false image for politics, because that is very fragile, like emperor's new clothes. Once the truth is exposed you collapse. The transparency also means self-confidence and very raw strength, this kind of politician stops at nothing, they want the world to know their own inner truths which is their own strength and faith, they don't try to look good and don't appreciate false images. They don't want people to respect them for WRONG REASON, if you are not a true follower, they actually prefer you to hate them than to respect them, because they see such false believers as burdens and enemies indeed.

False mongers and hypocrites politicians wants to earn all the false images and respects and gain vain strength fast. They can easily lose every fast also. Most followers respected them for WRONG reasons, and are misled. famiLEE LEEgime is such, and I think even some opposition are such, and many many other politicians around the world are such.

施明德 is a very rare and endangered specie. He already reached a level of truth, he don't need false or wrong respect any more. He is not wrong, but not many people can have sufficient ability to know his enlightenment.:wink:


___________施明德籲蔡出櫃表勇氣 呂:有道理[/SIZE]

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/04/18 17:58</q> 陳宣如 鍾沛君
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>前民進黨主席施明德,今天再度投書,呼籲蔡英文公開說明性傾向,還說沒有出櫃的勇氣,要如何領導國家,前副總統呂秀蓮則是附和施明德,她說國家領導人來就該透明,不需要同情,不過性傾向議題讓蔡英文成了焦點,時間點在黨內民調初選前,這可急壞了其他候選人。
施 明德還說,大膽假設蔡英文是同性戀,預想萬一蔡英文的配偶貪汙,卻不是法律認可的異性婚姻,到時候錢可沒處討,明明選的是總統,卻被要求要講清楚愛男生還 是愛女生,民調前性傾向這個議題,突顯出單身女性的處境,也讓蔡英文成了焦點,讓投入黨內總統初選其他候選人可急了。前民進黨主席許信良:「一直被這個(性傾向)問題主導,我覺得對其他候選人並不公平。」
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Personally I don't appreciate any hidden sexuality secret with politicians. It is a matter of truth and trust. The highly maintained moral image and profiles are most usually false, and with wisdom one should not believe any politician fronting images that are perfectly dressed up. If you know more dirty truth of a politician, the better you can assess them, and even if the the truth looks ugly it does not indeed mean that you can not trust them, but the rather you can have better confident level to measure them up. You know where these politician can and can not be, and you will know when they are telling truth or lie. This is way better than those who are obviously falsifying a front, that compel you to disbelieve even if they were telling truth.:wink:


Personally I don't appreciate any hidden sexuality secret with politicians. It is a matter of truth and trust. The highly maintained moral image and profiles are most usually false, and with wisdom one should not believe any politician fronting images that are perfectly dressed up. If you know more dirty truth of a politician, the better you can assess them, and even if the the truth looks ugly it does not indeed mean that you can not trust them, but the rather you can have better confident level to measure them up. You know where these politician can and can not be, and you will know when they are telling truth or lie. This is way better than those who are obviously falsifying a front, that compel you to disbelieve even if they were telling truth.:wink:


1. Regarding nudity, I don't have any problems with that at all but only when it relates to adult chio bus who voluntarily pose nude. The men can keep their clothes on and for children, the adults should ensure that their clothes are kept on as well and let the children decide themselves whether they want to pose nude when they become adults. On this point, I don't agree with you and Shih at all.

2. As for chairperson Tsai's sexuality, personally I don't give a hoot whether she's straight, gay or bi. But don't agree that this should be something she should reveal just because she is a presidential candidate. Of course, Shih has the right to ask, just as Tsai has the right to decline to answer.

My argument would be that there are so many things that Tsai can be made to answer and make a clear stand, why choose this topic? Is it because Shih supports Shi Jing Liang and they know that many Taiwanese people still cannot accept homosexuality? Don't know if that's the case, but once you start asking about candidates' sexuality, does it mean that you can start asking how many lovers they have had, ask the married ones if they are bi, ask the single ones if they are gay, ask how many times the married candidate has sex with his or her spouse, etc etc? What relevance do all these have to being president?

Would it not be better if they ask Tsai how she would implement their trade agreement with China or if she intends to abolish it if she becomes president? That's relevant to Taiwan's future, not whether Tsai is straight or gay.


Shih reached a level of seniority to push limits that many others can not push. For anyone from blue camp to ask it would be very aggressive it would trigger a whole lot of fire from green supporters, for green camp most leaders are not senior enough relative to Tsai to embarrass own chairwoman.:wink: Shih is well qualified to ask because he himself can set example of transparency and courage and he himself was chairman of DPP when Tsai was just a little girl. He is like a father questioning daughter in a way, can not be seen as abusive. Green camp can not give him no face, he is father of their movement, his contributions way higher than Ah Bian the corrupt.:mad: Talking about that corrupt, make me sick before breakfast.