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Lockdowns do nothing to reduce mortality rate!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The primary cause of Covid-19 deaths is that too many people are too damned FAT!!!!




High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Our Dorm workers are not fat.. why do they keep getting infected?

Being fit and healthy won't protect you from getting infected. What it does do is prevent complications resulting from the infection.

More than 80% of those infected don't even have any symptoms at all or the symptoms are so minor that they are just ignored.


Being fit and healthy won't protect you from getting infected. What it does do is prevent complications resulting from the infection.

More than 80% of those infected don't even have any symptoms at all or the symptoms are so minor that they are just ignored.
ok,. i read wrongly.. it says mortality per million and not infected per million.