The photo must be taken by someone VERY near to him, given where he is sitting, the steps up the building and the angle of the shot (no pun intended)make it not possible that a telephoto lens was used.
Very sad for an old man not to have friends, or enemies, at this age. No wonder he need to continue to work without plan for retirement. His only comfort is his millions of salaries, pensions, public speaking speeches, etc., that keep him going. When he kicks the bucket, his porlumpas will hype it up to get all the world's people to mourn for him, else only his family will be there only.
No wonder the 'Happy Index' is so low. Now we know who is the cause of it. Even the old men/old women near my place leads a much more fulfiling lives with friends and family around them everyday as most are jobless anyway.
Very sad.