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LKY Dies and SG Slides


Alfrescian (Inf)
Because they are paid the highest salary to say its not meaningful to reveal, can afford to be contrarian, no blame culture and billion dollar losses are simply long term investments .
If you are not happy , a new citizen who does not need to serve NS will be ready to replace you
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

Because they are paid the highest salary to say its not meaningful to reveal, can afford to be contrarian, no blame culture and billion dollar losses are simply long term investments .
If you not happy , a new citizen who does not need to serve NS will be ready to replace you

Well said, but Singaporeans are not ignorant as they are now understanding the dirty tricks and gimmicks of PAP Government.

When Ho Ching took charge of Temasek in 2004, her portfolio was $90 billion, mainly in Singapore. Despite the global financial crisis and the pandemic, the portfolio has tripled to more than $300 billion.

You may think that was an achievement. That is not at all as Ho Ching was manipulated by CECA leadership Dilhan Pillay Chandrasegara. That is how he plagued the system to take over the role from Ho Ching. PAP's greedy target was to reach the record of $1 Trillion mark next and Dilhan Pillay is under pressure to manipulate 3 times again.

Well that is too risky. That is an unsustainable growth unless funds gambled and invested in shady businesses like FTX.

Remember in 2018 when CECA population was at peak, our trains were too crowded and the nature itself could not tolerate the SG population as it gone beyond 10 million mark and Covid -19 played its apart to deglobalize. property markets gone up; GSTs inflation came in, FTX collapsed and Temasek's shady investments came to light, otherwise we would not know.

Next time you hear another shady market collapse, Temasek must be a highest investor there. Then only we know the secrets of Temasek, Because I know CECA cannot analyze and take the risks with proper controls as they always choose the highest risk investment for greedy returns without mitigating the risks involved so as to mark zero for such investments
Longing for Meritocratic system in SG
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When a daughter-in-law who is neither elected nor has a portfolio but is allowed to air her mouth like her smelly cb on a daily basis, you know the country is beyond deep shit