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Chitchat Little Sinkies Dressed For Artic Weather, Waiting For 3 Hours Under Hot Sun For 'Ice Magic'! Instant Karma For Cheapskate Parents! Fly To Japan Lah!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

After visitors expressed dissatisfaction over long queues to enter Ice Magic, a winter-themed attraction at Bayfront, the event's organisers have issued a statement to apologise.

In response to Mothership's queries, the organisers shared that visitors have been experiencing long queues over the weekend due to an "overwhelming response".

This is particularly so for the 3pm to 7pm timeslot.

In their statement, the organisers conveyed their sincere apologies for the extended wait time and for any inconvenience caused.

"We are doing all we can to ease the long waiting times," they said.

Extending the 3pm timeslot
The organisers said Ice Magic will be extending its 3pm timeslot to help minimise the long wait times in the future.

The timeslot was originally for four hours. Visitors could enter at any time from 3pm to 6:30pm and could stay till 7pm, with the recommended duration of the experience being 60 minutes.

From today (Dec. 10) onwards, visitors who have purchased tickets for the 3pm timeslot will be allowed to enter the attraction any time between 3pm to 7pm, and stay until the 10pm closing time, said the organisers.

This is intended to help to stagger entry and ease the long queues in the afternoon.

Visitors who were unable to enter the attraction due to the long queues on Dec. 10 can reschedule their visit for another day without any additional costs, said the organisers.

They can do so by emailing SISTIC directly at [email protected].

What happened
A Mothership reader who visited Ice Magic today shared that there were long queues for the 3pm timeslot, with wait times of up to three hours.

She described the queue situation as "terrible", as
many were dressed for the subzero temperatures inside the attraction, but were forced to queue in the sweltering heat outdoors.

A video she filmed showed the majority of visitors dressed in jeans and long pants, including children.

A group of disgruntled visitors were also heard asking the staff if they could get refunds.

Ticket prices for the event on SISTIC and KKday range from S$38 for a child between two and 12, to S$49 for an adult, and S$152 for a family bundle for two adults and two children, including booking fees.
