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little india fighting


Alfrescian (Inf)
Looks like they're filming a Hindi movie...
hanor, the rubbish bin can make do the dishark, dishark sounds or double-up as a ketak-ketung drum.
no coconut trees to merry go round but the cars will be good substitutes for the mandatory peek-a-boo romance ritual :rolleyes:


hanor, the rubbish bin can make do the dishark, dishark sounds or double-up as a ketak-ketung drum.
no coconut trees to merry go round but the cars will be good substitutes for the mandatory peek-a-boo romance ritual :rolleyes:
Hanor , no tree can use rubbish bin to dance bollywood


Alfrescian (Inf)
There are quite a number of ah neh KTVs and nightclubs in the Little India - Jalan Besar - Bugis area. They must be fighting over a beauty.