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Lim Chin Joo, younger brother of Lim Chin Siong, passes away at age 87




Lim Chin Joo, younger brother of Lim Chin Siong, passes away at age 87​

Lim Chin Joo, former political detainee and younger brother of Barisan Sosialis leader Lim Chin Siong, passed away at 87. Involved in the student movement, Lim was detained in 1957. After his release in 1966, he served as a land revenue collector before transitioning to legal practice. He also authored books about his brother and his time in detention.


8 hours ago
7 October 2024
The Online Citizen

SINGAPORE: Lim Chin Joo (林清如), former political detainee and younger brother of Barisan Socialis leader Lim Chin Siong (林清祥), has passed away at the age of 87.
According to an obituary seen by The Online Citizen, the former student activist’s wake was held from 3 October to 6 October at Singapore Casket, Regency Hall, located at 131 Lavender Street.
His funeral service took place on Sunday (6 October), at 8.35 am, followed by cremation at Mandai Crematorium Hall 3 at 10.20 am.
According to Lianhe Zaobao, Lim sustained a severe head injury on 1 October after an accidental fall and was taken to the hospital.
He passed away the following night. Lim leaves behind his widow, four children, and several grandchildren.
His daughter, Lim Danliang, noted that despite surviving two major heart surgeries in the last five years, he had come to terms with his deteriorating health and made clear arrangements for his funeral, keeping it a private affair for close family members only.
Born in 1937 in Pontian, Johor, Lim Chin Joo was the third of 12 children.
His early life was marked by the challenges of the Japanese occupation, during which his family fled to the rubber plantations to escape the conflict.
In the aftermath of the war, Lim attended The Chinese High School (now part of Hwa Chong Institution) in Singapore, where he became involved in local student and labour movements.
He was a key member of the Singapore Chinese Middle School Student Union and became deeply engaged in the political climate of the time.

Detained in August 1957

In August 1957, at the age of 20, he was detained under the Preservation of Public Security Ordinance, now known as the Internal Security Act (ISA).
His detention lasted nine years, during which he was held in various locations, including Changi Prison, the Central Police Station, and St. John’s Island.
This period of his life coincided with pivotal moments in Singapore’s history, including the 1959 Legislative Assembly election, the 1962 merger referendum, the 1963 election, and the separation of Singapore from Malaysia in 1965.
While incarcerated, Lim took the opportunity to further his education. He pursued academic qualifications and, at the age of 28, obtained a Bachelor of Laws degree with second-class honours from the University of London.

Lim Accepted Lee Kuan Yew’s Offer and Became Land Revenue Collector​

Upon his release in 1966, he took up a position in the Singapore government’s elite administrative service.
In a 2019 interview with Mothership, Lim shared that he had met with then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who offered him a role in the Ministry of Law as a collector of land revenue.
Lim accepted the position and played a role in the acquisition of Pulau Tekong, remaining in public service for seven years.

In 1973, Lim transitioned to private legal practice, establishing himself as a lawyer. He continued his law career until his retirement in 2002.
Lim also authored several books, including memoirs that reflected on his life and his relationship with his older brother, Lim Chin Siong.
In his book My Youth in Black and White, Lim chronicled his experiences from childhood through to his years as a student activist and brief stint as a trade unionist before his arrest.
He described his brother as “a man with a big heart” who always sought to bring people together.
In his later years, Lim volunteered as an honorary adviser to the Ee Hoe Hean Club, a gathering place for Chinese businessmen in Singapore.


The real chosen one of Singapore!!! With Lim Chin Siong , Singapore will be a much equitable, happier and prosperous society, enjoying the innovation from China like Electric Vehicles, Chio ATB and much more than sarking USA kok

Instead of Lim.Chin Siong, the traitor gene aka jap translator LKY usurped the throne! Singapore is ran by traitor genes.


The real chosen one of Singapore!!! With Lim Chin Siong , Singapore will be a much equitable, happier and prosperous society, enjoying the innovation from China like Electric Vehicles, Chio ATB and much more than sarking USA kok

Instead of Lim.Chin Siong, the traitor gene aka jap translator LKY usurped the throne! Singapore is ran by traitor genes.
Like that means we all use Huawei phones instead of Apple and Samsung?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
The real chosen one of Singapore!!! With Lim Chin Siong , Singapore will be a much equitable, happier and prosperous society, enjoying the innovation from China like Electric Vehicles, Chio ATB and much more than sarking USA kok

Instead of Lim.Chin Siong, the traitor gene aka jap translator LKY usurped the throne! Singapore is ran by traitor genes.
Sad to burst your bubble but sinkapore would have at the maximum only reached Mudlaysia standard today if BS had won.

And I say "at the max" because the western powers would never had invested here. There would be a bigger chance of a Malayan all out war.


Sad to burst your bubble but sinkapore would have at the maximum only reached Mudlaysia standard today if BS had won.

And I say "at the max" because the western powers would never had invested here. There would be a bigger chance of a Malayan all out war.

I tell u truth Singapore was already the jewel of British Port empire. U put a cockroach there Singapore will also be developed. Stop all these nonsense of fishing village.

We have amusement parks, high class hotels for parties and dancing ball, much like Shanghai back then.

Lim Chin Siong will only make Singapore better, with blue print from dutch economist
Albert Winsemius, and group of good men like Goh Keng Swee. Its no problem!

We would have focus on important industry, being jewel of logistics and jewel in Semiconductor manufacturing. Much better than now. And we will have good relations with Malaysia, Thai, Viet....

Earninb big salary and enjoying big vacation house

Repeat after me 3x: Lim Chin Siong

Singapore for Singaporeans with pink IC and NS served

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Lim Chin Siong will only make Singapore better, with blue print from dutch economist
Albert Winsemius, and group of good men like Goh Keng Swee. Its no problem!

You really think Winsemus and GKS will work with the Barisan government?

No investment from Western countries means no industrialisation. Means sinkapore only can become resupply port and red light district for sailors.

LKY and his angmor pai friends would have just run off to UK and run a small law practice like Tan Wah Piow.