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Life in a PAP regime is full of coincidences


Alfrescian (Inf)


Tan Cheng Bock just re-visited West Coast recently. :wink:

This fat pig had a good time for past 20 years in West Coast GRC doing particularly nothing.
Hope someone would defeat him in West Coast GRC in the coming General Election.


Alfrescian (Inf)
POFMA was formulated specifically to fix dissidents and the opposition. They primed the public beforehand with 'bread crumbs' such as 'anti-cyberbullying' and 'responsible usage of the Internet'.

And now you see the perils of not having the three branches of government kept independent and separate. No difference between legislative and executive branches, the supreme leeder calls the shots. No independent judiciary to challenge laws that were passed.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This fat pig had a good time for past 20 years in West Coast GRC doing particularly nothing.
Hope someone would defeat him in West Coast GRC in the coming General Election.

He's the patron of the Chinese temple at West Coast, just opposite Ayer Rajah hawker centre. The temple has a stone bridge and a pair of dragons spraying water if you step on a pressure plate.


Kee Chew

This fat pig had a good time for past 20 years in West Coast GRC doing particularly nothing.
Hope someone would defeat him in West Coast GRC in the coming General Election.

many times in life - luck plays a very important role. Size is secondary when your lucky Star is shinning.:biggrin:


Another mudder fucker fuck-face insulting the intelligence of true Singaporeans by saying something so utterly stupid. Makes me puke!


This fat pig had a good time for past 20 years in West Coast GRC doing particularly nothing.
Hope someone would defeat him in West Coast GRC in the coming General Election.
I thought he contributed a lot to Singapore economy by opening up the India market for us, bring in F1 and many investors, no ?