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Leyman again! Temasick set to lose 300 million usd! Huat ah!


Usd205m up in smoke! Who from Temasek is accountable for this huge loss?
It's still taxpayers money after all...


You may be a taxpayer, but you're still cattle to them. They own you, you have no stake in the game. :cool:
That is because sinkies themselves are too ball=less to confront the PAP and let them screw. That is what happen when you have no balls to stand on your rights and sovereignty. Total disgrace and yes, having IQ 108 is fucking useless. A little programming and you go take the poison jab. Cattle it is.

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
CPF is the best investment instrument for sinkies. Stop putting your money in bitcoin. If you want something a bit more sophisticated, buy PAP saving bonds or treasury bills.


No accountability again? AHTC a couple of millions whacked Oppies for years till today. KNN. Fuck PAP :FU:
What accountability you are talking about? Beat dog must see owner, don’t forget that Jinx husband is who? Who dare to lay a question on Jinx? By the way, majority SG population support that…. So please suck thumb,


It doesn't fucking matter. Temasek is not a pte ltd company. The money they are investing is beholden to the people. When you lose 1 cent, you are answerable.
No clear strategy wrt the people in investing the people's money and investing in anyway you feel is ok.


What accountability you are talking about? Beat dog must see owner, don’t forget that Jinx husband is who? Who dare to lay a question on Jinx? By the way, majority SG population support that…. So please suck thumb,
you fucking think so? when there is not much sound from the people, that is called support? Alright, then we can sound the alarm louder. hopefully the vaccine they took didn't affect their hearing.


Alfrescian (Inf)
No accountability again? AHTC a couple of millions whacked Oppies for years till today. KNN. Fuck PAP :FU:

problem is no Opposition party dare to talk about this.............until Oppo gets stronger, they're just ''controlled'' opposition...........

Only way to control inflation is by losing money.

that's what trading markets are for............the Jews control the central banks and major trading markets...............they create money and then destroy it..........


What accountability you are talking about? Beat dog must see owner, don’t forget that Jinx husband is who? Who dare to lay a question on Jinx? By the way, majority SG population support that…. So please suck thumb,
He has strong mandate from the people