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Lee Hsien Yang Apply to demolish Oxley 38, real issue is lack of creativity by Lee Hsien Loong!



My thoughts are why the fuss over oxley 38?

Ah loong so rich and so power, let ah yang demolish Oxley 38 lor.

Ah loong just acquire Oxley 37 or 39 and build a memorial there, also end up same objective what. Everyone get what they want.

In fact like how they gerry meander for GRC, can later switch Oxley 39 or 37 to be Oxley 38 or 38b and original Oxley 38 be come Oxley 39,37. Like thats also work.

Thats the problem with singkee, even LKY elite family : lack of creativity

Can study hard but no creativity and lateral thinking. If ceca, they will not even quarrel but solve it easily
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Alfrescian (Inf)
It's about a breach of trust within a family.

Loong and his toxic wife can jolly well do whatever they please, they were more or less persona non grata at Lee Wei Ling's funeral and Lee Hsien Yang has been forced into exile.

If Sinkies are okay with these trash running the country (forget about that guitar-playing seatwarmer lightweight), then be my guest. :cool:

syed putra

The gomen can overide any will as they make the law.
Besides, lky is dead. Whatever he wanted is irrelevant. Both surviving members must decide on the outcome.
If its a heritage house, have it resurrected at a more accessible site. Say architect association or museum. I am sure neighbours at oxley will not want bus loads of tourist congregating there. So both sides win.


I think it can be demolished and rename as LKY Ave.
Build a condo over it.

I am sure it covers the coffers for 99 years. After all, who will reject more money ?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Whorehouse is the best option. Singaporeans were fucked by the Lees now they can go to the Lee's place for a good fuck.