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Lebanon, Turkey angriest countries in the world, Afghan, Lebanon, Turkey the saddest and most stressful




Lebanon has been rated as the angriest country in the world, followed by Turkiye and other countries in the region, according to newly-released data from the American company, Gallup, for the end of 2021 to mid-2022.

In Gallup’s Global Emotions Report, which analyses emotions in over 100 countries around the world, 49 per cent of people surveyed in Lebanon were found to experience anger on a regular basis, even on the day prior to the survey.

At 48 per cent, Turkiye closely followed second, above Armenian and Iraq at 46 per cent, and Afghanistan at 41 per cent. At sixth place in the list was yet another Middle Eastern country, Jordan, which has an anger rate of 35 per cent.

In the same report, some of those same countries were also subject to high levels of sadness, with Afghanistan, Lebanon and then Turkiye ranking as the top three saddest countries in the world. The same order of the three countries also counted for the nations which experienced the most stress.

While Iceland, Paraguay, Denmark, Ireland, and Cambodia are all countries which experienced the most enjoyment regularly, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Turkiye, and Egypt were amongst those at the bottom of that list….


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hard to blame Armenia, which is surrounded by Islamic countries. A chunk of Mount Ararat has been wrongfully claimed by Turkey, and Azerbaijan is a pest as a neighboring country.