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Posted on 18 Mar 2010
Unleashed dog: AVA passing buck
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Jeremy spotted this unleashed dog roaming around the neighbourhood and contacted the AVA. AVA replied that he may have to appear in court to face his neighbour in order to enforce a fine.
Said the STOMPer:
"An unleashed dog has been roaming our neighbourhood.
"The AVA is aware of this and advised me to confirm this with photo evidence, which I did.
"In order to enforce the fine, the AVA now tells me that I may have to appear in court, facing my neighbours (who are quite hostile).
"I do not understand why do I need to take on this responsibility when I have given photographic evidence.
"Seems like the AVA is shirking their responsibilities."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: stray dogs , AVA
Unleashed dog: AVA passing buck
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Jeremy spotted this unleashed dog roaming around the neighbourhood and contacted the AVA. AVA replied that he may have to appear in court to face his neighbour in order to enforce a fine.
Said the STOMPer:
"An unleashed dog has been roaming our neighbourhood.
"The AVA is aware of this and advised me to confirm this with photo evidence, which I did.
"In order to enforce the fine, the AVA now tells me that I may have to appear in court, facing my neighbours (who are quite hostile).
"I do not understand why do I need to take on this responsibility when I have given photographic evidence.
"Seems like the AVA is shirking their responsibilities."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: stray dogs , AVA