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Serious Lawless Wong lied to your face. Here's what he was reported to have said to gullible Sinkies.


The Straits Times, June 22, 2024, pages A1 and A2

Many many years ago Woody Goh as prime ministar, promised that Sinkies would be able to enjoy the Swiss standard of living. Old Fart was senior ministar then.

Fast forward to today, Sinkies have given up hope of enjoying the Swiss standard that Woody Goh had promised.

Sinkies are experiencing Swiss costs of living: skyhigh food prices, increasing healthcare costs, GST increases, etc.

When I was in Zurich, Switzerland, last year, in one square mile of land, apartment and commercial buildings were evenly spaced out, unlike in present-day Sinkieland, condominiums, HDB blocks of flats and commercial buildings are jostling for space. Whereever there is an empty plot of land, Sinkie authorities will plan to have commercial buildings and condos built on it. Case in point: the once-vacant plot of land near Kembangan MRT station will be redeveloped. Ditto for a portion of land in Jurong which used to be part of Tang village.

In Switzerland, there is no such thing as POFMA. Sure, there are falsehoods, racist posts, scams, etc. in the country just like what Sinkieland is having. But the Swiss authorities know how to deal with them. They don't need to come up with a law such as POFMA to suppress free speech and voices of the opposition.

Guys, what other empty promises that PAP ministars have made from the time when Old Fart ruled till today?

Vocab (listed in order of appearance)

sinkies = singaporeans

ministar = minister

Woody Goh = second prime ministar who was actually a seat-warmer for the third prime ministar

Old Fart = Leetator. Former head of royal Familee. A Flounder's Memorial costing hundreds of millions of dollars will be built to honor his memory. This is one of the reasons why GST is increased from 7% to 9%.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
he has other priorities - like ensuring the East Coast Plan can sustain its erection. the TEL opening & just launched free shuttle service.
More to come....Swiss standard of living? Eat Swiss chocolate first lah.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The PAP technocrats are doubling down on Sinkieland as a money laundering hub, taking dubious money that even Switzerland of today has second thoughts about accepting.

How to not have hyperinflation? It's all done by intentional design.

No amount of CDC vouchers is going to help.


The PAP technocrats are doubling down on Sinkieland as a money laundering hub, taking dubious money that even Switzerland of today has second thoughts about accepting.

How to not have hyperinflation? It's all done by intentional design.

No amount of CDC vouchers is going to help.
How many china assholes have run road already with sgd? Where is the net win?