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東方日報 OrientalDaily
9.9k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午5:45
被記者追問 僅答對唔住
隨牧師離開 駛往何文田
被禁制入境 焗取消機票
【修例風波】馬英九轟蔡英文急轉彎 指台灣亦不容跨境押人

24.9k 人追蹤
2019年10月23日 下午2:45
被問陳同佳案火氣大 陳明通與徐國勇立院發飆

4.8k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午10:24
被問陳同佳案火氣大 陳明通與徐國勇立院發飆
逃犯條例正式撤回,有助於和緩香港情勢?2 小時前
出獄道歉 來台未明 陳同佳憂成政治籌碼

20.7k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午6:24
香港律政司長鄭若驊表示,陳同佳案犯罪行為在台灣發生,證據「大部分都是在台灣」,故台灣有刑事司法管轄權,案件應由台灣法院處理;陳同佳是「自願前往台灣面對其法律責任」,「有自主權」決定把哪些證據帶往台灣。香港保安局局長李家超說,台灣不斷推卸責任,極不尊重香港司法管轄權,「如最終不能秉承公義,台灣政府要負全責」。相關新聞見A2 A3

20.7k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午9:28
從小美到大 !天后曬小時候照片 網狂讚:都沒有變
陳同佳案 蔡總統:只有逮捕沒有自首
陸委會:陳嫌投案 沒有自由行模式
來台未明 陳同佳憂成政治籌碼
徐國勇:未拒陳嫌入境 但須臨櫃申請
看問題/台港叫陣…人犯投案政治化 錯失執法良機

20.7k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午6:26
建立時間:2019/10/22 ‧ 22 小時前更新
https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E9%99%B3%E5%90%8C%E4%BD%B3%E5%87%BA%E7%8D%84%E8%B5%B4%E5 %8F%B0%E8%87%AA%E9%A6%96%E7%84%A1%E6%9C%9F-214500756.html
Chen Tongjia was released from prison and went to Taiwan for no time.
[Oriental Daily OrientalDaily]
Oriental Daily OrientalDaily
9.9k person tracking
Oriental Daily
October 24, 2019, 5:45 am
Chen Tongjia (centre) left the Pik Uk Correctional Institution at 9 am yesterday with the staff of the Correctional Services Department. (photo by Yuan Zhihao)
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Chen Tongjia (centre) left the Pik Uk Correctional Institution at 9 am yesterday with the staff of the Correctional Services Department. (photo by Yuan Zhihao)
Chen Tongjia, a Taiwan murder suspect who triggered one of the reasons for the revision of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and caused political turmoil in Hong Kong and Taiwan, was jailed yesterday for his money laundering. When Chen met with the media, he apologized twice and 90 degrees. He apologized to the deceased Pan Xiaoying's family, parents and the society, and indicated that he would return to Taiwan to surrender, be tried and serve his sentence, and give the society an opportunity. The pastor who assisted Chen pointed out that the plan to purchase the ticket was originally scheduled to go to Taiwan yesterday, but the local restrictions on the entry of two people, but did not know when to go to Taiwan, and denied that the Hong Kong government had intervened in Chen’s surrender. However, the situation has turned around. The news indicates that the Taiwan Immigration Department has lifted the immigration control of the two people to Taiwan yesterday.
A large number of media outlets have gathered at the Sai Kung Pik Uk Correctional Institution at about 8 am yesterday. More than 10 police officers in the vicinity have been on duty. The Correctional Services Department has also been waiting for it. More than 10 officers wearing equipment are on guard at the entrance and exit and additional staff are deployed. Patrol and add iron bars at the entrances and exits to maintain order. At 9 o'clock in the morning, Chen Tongjia, wearing a blue jacket, stepped out of the correctional institution. During the period, the Correctional Services Department staff accompanied him to leave, but Chen’s parents did not appear. As for the Hong Kong Anglican Church Secretary-General Guan Hao who persuaded Chen to surrender to Taiwan Ming is there. When Chen stepped out of the correctional institution, he looked nervous. Later, he accompanied him to the media direction and stopped in front of the white seven-person car arranged by the manager. He was interviewed by the media.
Being questioned by reporters
Chen Tongjia first said that he would apologize to the family of the deceased Pan Xiaoying and immediately make a ninety degree squat. After about eight seconds, Chen continued, knowing that his impulse has caused irreparable mistakes, brought great pain to his parents, and was blamed and condemned. He is willing to return for his own impulses and mistakes. After surrendering to Taiwan, being tried and serving his sentence, Yan Pan’s family can give up a little relief and let Pan rest in peace.
Later, a reporter asked Chen Tongjia if he had anything to say to the people of Hong Kong. When Chen responded, he first took the initiative to thank his parents for not leaving, even if he had committed a big mistake, he still gave support and care. He added: "In the end, for the society, for the people of Hong Kong, I am sorry, I hope that everyone will forgive me. I hope that you can take the opportunity to re-do people and give me a chance to repay the society." The reporter asked him when he would return to Taiwan. Whether he feels that he is being used and whether he pleads guilty or not, Chen only said: "I’m holding it, I’m holding it.” And once again, after looking up, say two more words, and then board the white seven-person car. go away.
Leaving with the pastor, heading to Ho Mantian
A large number of media also drove behind the seven-person car. During the period, Chen and Guan had a conversation in the car. After that, the car drove to the Jingshibaishan house in Ho Man Tin. It was estimated that the place where Chen lived temporarily was placed, but the management denied it. It is not clear where the current residence of Chen. Guan also said that Chen Tongjia was "having a feeling of numbness" yesterday. Because Chen is always young, he has to face such a scene. Chen also knows that the situation in Taiwan has recently experienced ups and downs. He will first find a place to rest, let him meet with his family, precipitate and organize emotions. And then discuss the situation with him. "The most important thing is to digest the message. Because there is always a lot of information, I understand it."
Banned entry 焗 canceled ticket
Guan Haoming also said that he had already purchased the ticket to Taiwan yesterday, but because Taiwan had banned two people entering the country, the ticket was cancelled yesterday. It is not clear when he will go to the local area. He mentioned that due to the chaotic message of the Taiwanese side, the daily tone of change was often changed, and Chen’s mood was also affected. “I was going to go to Taiwan today (yesterday), but it’s the same as Taiwan’s. Going to (Taiwan), I will go early in the morning."
Chen Tongjia twice apologized; right is Guan Haoming.
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Chen Tongjia twice apologized; right is Guan Haoming.
Chen Tongjia’s seven-person car drove into the King’s Park Hill mansion, and a large number of media were waiting outside. (Photo by Zhu Xianru)
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Chen Tongjia’s seven-person car drove into the King’s Park Hill mansion, and a large number of media were waiting outside. (Photo by Zhu Xianru)
Chen Tongjia (left) is suspected of murdering Pan Xiaoying (right) in Taiwan.
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Chen Tongjia (left) is suspected of murdering Pan Xiaoying (right) in Taiwan.
Revision of the Fugitives Ordinance
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Revision of the Fugitives Ordinance
https://hk.news.yahoo.com/修例風波-馬英% E4%B9%9D%E8%BD%9F%E8%94%A1%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E6%80%A5%E8%BD%89%E5%BD%8E-%E6 %8C%87%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E4%BA%A6%E4%B8%8D%E5%AE%B9%E8%B7%A8%E5%A2%83%E6%8A %BC%E4%BA%BA-064500548.html
[Amendment] Ma Ying-jeou, Tsai, English, sharp turn, means that Taiwan is not allowed to cross-border
[Sing Tao Daily]
Sing Tao Daily
24.9k person tracking
October 23, 2019, 2:45 pm
Taiwan’s Ma Ying-jeou (left) criticized Tsai Ing-wen’s double standards. Online picture
[Sing Tao Daily reported] Taiwan’s refusal to commit murder suspect Chen Tongjia’s sudden change in attitude and proposed sending a member to Hong Kong to escort Chen Tongjia was rejected by the Hong Kong Government. The former president of Taiwan’s Ma Ying-jeou criticized that the Tsai-English government agreed that Chen’s vote was a correct decision, but the two sides should cooperate with each other without exercising the power of the other party.
Ma Ying-jeou told the Taiwanese media that Tsai Ing-wen should ask the Hong Kong government to help Chen Tongjia to go to Taiwan after his release today. But before this, Taiwan has to lift the immigration control of Chen Tongjia, Chen Cai can enter the country, and in this case he is likely to complete him. Investigate the action.
Ma Ying-jeou also mentioned that Hong Kong officials who issued Taiwan could not go to Hong Kong to escort. Ma Ying-jeou believes that the two sides should cooperate with each other without prejudice to the exercise of public power in the territory of the other side. "We will not allow police from other countries to come to Taiwan to escort." I was asked if Tsai Ing-wen’s move was a "hairpin bend". Ma Ying-jeou criticized, "Of course, yes, which one is not, take a look."
Wang Bingzhong, a spokesman for the Taiwan New Party, criticized Chen Tongjia’s murder and crimes in Taiwan. The jurisdiction should of course also be in Taiwan. However, the government of Tsai Ing-wen’s government counts out and annihilates humanity. At one time, it was necessary to restrict Chen’s entry and death. Chen Liling, a new party lawyer, said that she volunteered as a victim's prosecutor and asked Pan Xiaoying's family to contact her to bring Chen Tongjia to justice.
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E8%A2%AB%E5%95%8F%E9%99%B3%E5%90%8C%E4%BD%B3%E6%A1%88%E7 %81%AB%E6%B0%A3%E5%A4%A7-%E9%99%B3%E6%98%8E%E9%80%9A%E8%88%87%E5%BE%90%E5% 9C%8B%E5%8B%87%E7%AB%8B%E9%99%A2%E7%99%BC%E9%A3%86-022415106.html
Was asked about the case of Chen Tongjia, Chen Mingtong and Xu Guoyong
[Zhongguang News Network]
Zhongguang News Network
4.8k person tracking
October 24, 2019, 10:24 am
Was asked about the case of Chen Tongjia, Chen Mingtong and Xu Guoyong
The Chen Tongjia case handled the government's attitude repeatedly. The Chairman of the Mainland Affairs Committee Chen Mingtong and the Minister of the Interior Xu Guoyong were all named by the outside world. The two of them went to the Legislative Yuan's internal affairs committee to report on the project. The fire was very high. Xu Guoyong once asked the reporters to bar. The reporter asked the minister "a little polite."
Xu Guoyong emphasized that the government has never let Chen Tongjia come to Taiwan, but only to apply for a visa. He also stressed that Taiwan absolutely opposes "one country, two systems" and is willing to extradite Chen Tongjia to come to Taiwan to have nothing to do with the identity of China and China. Do not attempt to frame Taiwan into the framework of China. This is an improper intention.
Xu Guoyong also stressed that the Chen Tongjia government handled the same policy before and after, and was questioned by reporters. "Xiao Guoyong was so irritated, and Xu Guoyong was angered. He returned to the reporters to say "a polite speech" and questioned how to use a blind eye to ask a minister "polite." a little".
As for Chen Mingtong, it is not too much to let the high decibels ask the Hong Kong government to cooperate with our investigations. It emphasizes that both governments have responsibilities. Don't forget that the victims are Hong Kong people. The Hong Kong government is obliged to provide justice for the victims. Chen Mingtong shouted to the Hong Kong Government. "Now, I will cooperate with you, let us bring us back, and hand over the documents to us."
For Hong Kong pastor Guan Haoming worried that Chen Tongjia would become a "political chip", Chen Mingtong asked him to say less. "If you are willing to help this woman to do justice, and have the heart to let Chen Tongjia come to Taiwan for trial, please say two words less. "."
Chen Mingtong and Xu Guoyong went to the Home Affairs Committee of the Legislative Yuan to present a special report on "Current Situation of Crimes and Prosecutions in China and Hong Kong" and ask questions. In response to the follow-up treatment of Chen Tongjia, Chen Mingtong said that the most important work has two aspects. One is how to bring back the criminals, and how the relevant certificates are brought back through mutual legal assistance. Now the government is fighting for this.
Chen Mingtong emphasized that cross-strait relations seem to be tango. It is necessary for both sides to have the will. It is impossible for a tango to jump alone. He also shouted to the other side and stressed that cross-strait relations are better. First, Beijing must face the existence of the Republic of China and recognize our existence. it is good.
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/出獄道歉-來台% E6%9C%AA%E6%98%8E-%E9%99%B3%E5%90%8C%E4%BD%B3%E6%86%82%E6%88%90%E6%94%BF%E6 %B2%BB%E7%B1%8C%E7%A2%BC-222451318.html
The formal withdrawal of the fugitive offenders will help ease the situation in Hong Kong? 2 hours ago
Apologize to prison, unclear to Taiwan, Chen Tongjia, a political chip
[Joint News Network]
United News Network
20.7k person tracking
Reporter Lin Zehong / comprehensive report
October 24, 2019, 6:24 am
Chen Tongjia, who committed a murder case in Hong Kong in February last year, was released from prison yesterday. He accompanied the Secretary-General of the Anglican Church, Guan Haoming, to apologize to the media. Chen Tongjia said that he is willing to serve his sentence for his own mistakes, hoping that the victim and his girlfriend Pan Xiaoying will rest in peace.
Chen Tongjia feels "uneasy"
Guan Haoming, who initially persuaded Chen Tongjia to come to Taiwan to face judicial trials, later said that Taiwan accused Chen of being "surrendered" and that Chen Tongjia is currently "having a feeling of uneasiness" (uneasy); since Taiwan has different news every day, he wants to ensure that Chen With Canon getting a fair trial in Taiwan, it is necessary to discuss with Chen and it is temporarily impossible to determine when to come to Taiwan.
Chen Tongjia fled back to Hong Kong after killing his girlfriend in Taiwan. The Hong Kong government intends to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance to arrange for extradition. However, in Hong Kong, the "reverse delivery" struggle lasted for more than four months. The key figure Chen Tongjia was sentenced to prison. The Hong Kong government also The draft amendment to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance was formally withdrawn from the Legislative Council.
MAC single window for contact
President Cai said yesterday that since the Hong Kong government is unwilling to exercise jurisdiction, "this matter is handled by our Republic of China Taiwan"; it also emphasizes that the murderer is already wanted, "only the arrest has no problem of surrender." The MAC said last night that it is still impossible to confirm whether Chen suspected to come to Taiwan and whether he will surrender the case. The government will ensure that the whole process is mastered and the free travel mode is ruled out. A single window has also been set up for suspected contact.
Chen Tongjia, who was sentenced to imprisonment for money laundering in Hong Kong earlier, was released from prison yesterday morning. Outside the Sai Kung Pik Uk prison where Chen Tongjia was detained, a large number of media gathered early yesterday. After Chen Bu came out of the prison gate, accompanied by Guan Haoming, facing the media twice, he apologized to Pan Xiaoying’s family and Hong Kong people.
Chen Tongjia said that he had done an irreparable mistake and brought great pain to Pan Xiaoying's family. His own heart was also condemned. He was willing to surrender himself to Taiwan for his own mistakes and to serve his sentence. I hope that Pan Xiaoying’s family will be relieved, and Pan Xiaoying will be able to rest in peace. Chen Tongjia also thanked his parents for not giving up on him. He did not dare to repay his words, but he would remember the support and parenting of his parents. Chen Tongjia finally apologized to the Hong Kong community. I hope that everyone can forgive him so that he can re-do people and repay the society. Then Chen Tongjia drove away with Guan Haoming.
Pastor expects Chen to conduct a fair trial in Taiwan
Guan Haoming stressed that Chen Tongjia’s willingness to go to Taiwan is a fact. The Hong Kong Government has never asked Chen Tongjia to go to Taiwan to surrender. Chen Tongjia did something wrong, but he could not become a political chip. If there is no fair trial, Chen Tongjia may become a political chip. He will not be assured of the pastor.
The Secretary for Justice of Hong Kong, Mr Andrew Cheng, said that the crimes committed by Chen Tongjia occurred in Taiwan. The evidence is "mostly in Taiwan". Therefore, Taiwan has criminal jurisdiction and the case should be handled by the Taiwan court. Chen Tongjia is "voluntarily going to Taiwan to face his law." Responsibility, "having autonomy" decides which evidence to bring to Taiwan. The Director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, Li Jiachao, said that Taiwan is constantly shirking its responsibilities and does not respect Hong Kong's jurisdiction. "If the government cannot ultimately uphold justice, the Taiwan government must take full responsibility." For related news, see A2 A3
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E6%B3%95%E5%8B%99%E9%83%A8%E5%90%A6%E8%AA%8D%E8%B7%A8%E5 %A2%83%E5%9F%B7%E6%B3%95-%E6%9B%BE%E5%8D%94%E5%8A%A9%E6%B8%AF%E8%AD%A6%E5% 9C%A8%E5%8F%B0%E9%80%AE%E6%AE%BA%E4%BA%BA%E7%8A%AF-222451176.html
The Ministry of Justice denies cross-border law enforcement: assisted the Hong Kong police in arresting murderers
[Joint News Network]
United News Network
20.7k person tracking
Reporter Wang Shengyu, Li Wei/Taipei Report
東方日報 OrientalDaily
9.9k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午5:45
被記者追問 僅答對唔住
隨牧師離開 駛往何文田
被禁制入境 焗取消機票
【修例風波】馬英九轟蔡英文急轉彎 指台灣亦不容跨境押人

24.9k 人追蹤
2019年10月23日 下午2:45

被問陳同佳案火氣大 陳明通與徐國勇立院發飆

4.8k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午10:24
被問陳同佳案火氣大 陳明通與徐國勇立院發飆
逃犯條例正式撤回,有助於和緩香港情勢?2 小時前
出獄道歉 來台未明 陳同佳憂成政治籌碼

20.7k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午6:24
香港律政司長鄭若驊表示,陳同佳案犯罪行為在台灣發生,證據「大部分都是在台灣」,故台灣有刑事司法管轄權,案件應由台灣法院處理;陳同佳是「自願前往台灣面對其法律責任」,「有自主權」決定把哪些證據帶往台灣。香港保安局局長李家超說,台灣不斷推卸責任,極不尊重香港司法管轄權,「如最終不能秉承公義,台灣政府要負全責」。相關新聞見A2 A3

20.7k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午9:28
從小美到大 !天后曬小時候照片 網狂讚:都沒有變
陳同佳案 蔡總統:只有逮捕沒有自首
陸委會:陳嫌投案 沒有自由行模式
來台未明 陳同佳憂成政治籌碼
徐國勇:未拒陳嫌入境 但須臨櫃申請
看問題/台港叫陣…人犯投案政治化 錯失執法良機

20.7k 人追蹤
2019年10月24日 上午6:26
建立時間:2019/10/22 ‧ 22 小時前更新
- 來台旅遊殺害女友 一屍兩命潛逃返港
漠視殺人罪嫌? 港以洗黑錢罪減刑關押
無引渡協議 台提司法互助遭已讀不回
情殺案 引爆香港《反送中》運動
- 投案實為政治操作?憂落入「一中」圈套
https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E9%99%B3%E5%90%8C%E4%BD%B3%E5%87%BA%E7%8D%84%E8%B5%B4%E5 %8F%B0%E8%87%AA%E9%A6%96%E7%84%A1%E6%9C%9F-214500756.html
Chen Tongjia was released from prison and went to Taiwan for no time.
[Oriental Daily OrientalDaily]
Oriental Daily OrientalDaily
9.9k person tracking
Oriental Daily
October 24, 2019, 5:45 am
Chen Tongjia (centre) left the Pik Uk Correctional Institution at 9 am yesterday with the staff of the Correctional Services Department. (photo by Yuan Zhihao)
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Chen Tongjia (centre) left the Pik Uk Correctional Institution at 9 am yesterday with the staff of the Correctional Services Department. (photo by Yuan Zhihao)
Chen Tongjia, a Taiwan murder suspect who triggered one of the reasons for the revision of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and caused political turmoil in Hong Kong and Taiwan, was jailed yesterday for his money laundering. When Chen met with the media, he apologized twice and 90 degrees. He apologized to the deceased Pan Xiaoying's family, parents and the society, and indicated that he would return to Taiwan to surrender, be tried and serve his sentence, and give the society an opportunity. The pastor who assisted Chen pointed out that the plan to purchase the ticket was originally scheduled to go to Taiwan yesterday, but the local restrictions on the entry of two people, but did not know when to go to Taiwan, and denied that the Hong Kong government had intervened in Chen’s surrender. However, the situation has turned around. The news indicates that the Taiwan Immigration Department has lifted the immigration control of the two people to Taiwan yesterday.
A large number of media outlets have gathered at the Sai Kung Pik Uk Correctional Institution at about 8 am yesterday. More than 10 police officers in the vicinity have been on duty. The Correctional Services Department has also been waiting for it. More than 10 officers wearing equipment are on guard at the entrance and exit and additional staff are deployed. Patrol and add iron bars at the entrances and exits to maintain order. At 9 o'clock in the morning, Chen Tongjia, wearing a blue jacket, stepped out of the correctional institution. During the period, the Correctional Services Department staff accompanied him to leave, but Chen’s parents did not appear. As for the Hong Kong Anglican Church Secretary-General Guan Hao who persuaded Chen to surrender to Taiwan Ming is there. When Chen stepped out of the correctional institution, he looked nervous. Later, he accompanied him to the media direction and stopped in front of the white seven-person car arranged by the manager. He was interviewed by the media.
Being questioned by reporters
Chen Tongjia first said that he would apologize to the family of the deceased Pan Xiaoying and immediately make a ninety degree squat. After about eight seconds, Chen continued, knowing that his impulse has caused irreparable mistakes, brought great pain to his parents, and was blamed and condemned. He is willing to return for his own impulses and mistakes. After surrendering to Taiwan, being tried and serving his sentence, Yan Pan’s family can give up a little relief and let Pan rest in peace.
Later, a reporter asked Chen Tongjia if he had anything to say to the people of Hong Kong. When Chen responded, he first took the initiative to thank his parents for not leaving, even if he had committed a big mistake, he still gave support and care. He added: "In the end, for the society, for the people of Hong Kong, I am sorry, I hope that everyone will forgive me. I hope that you can take the opportunity to re-do people and give me a chance to repay the society." The reporter asked him when he would return to Taiwan. Whether he feels that he is being used and whether he pleads guilty or not, Chen only said: "I’m holding it, I’m holding it.” And once again, after looking up, say two more words, and then board the white seven-person car. go away.
Leaving with the pastor, heading to Ho Mantian
A large number of media also drove behind the seven-person car. During the period, Chen and Guan had a conversation in the car. After that, the car drove to the Jingshibaishan house in Ho Man Tin. It was estimated that the place where Chen lived temporarily was placed, but the management denied it. It is not clear where the current residence of Chen. Guan also said that Chen Tongjia was "having a feeling of numbness" yesterday. Because Chen is always young, he has to face such a scene. Chen also knows that the situation in Taiwan has recently experienced ups and downs. He will first find a place to rest, let him meet with his family, precipitate and organize emotions. And then discuss the situation with him. "The most important thing is to digest the message. Because there is always a lot of information, I understand it."
Banned entry 焗 canceled ticket
Guan Haoming also said that he had already purchased the ticket to Taiwan yesterday, but because Taiwan had banned two people entering the country, the ticket was cancelled yesterday. It is not clear when he will go to the local area. He mentioned that due to the chaotic message of the Taiwanese side, the daily tone of change was often changed, and Chen’s mood was also affected. “I was going to go to Taiwan today (yesterday), but it’s the same as Taiwan’s. Going to (Taiwan), I will go early in the morning."
Chen Tongjia twice apologized; right is Guan Haoming.
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Chen Tongjia twice apologized; right is Guan Haoming.
Chen Tongjia’s seven-person car drove into the King’s Park Hill mansion, and a large number of media were waiting outside. (Photo by Zhu Xianru)
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Chen Tongjia’s seven-person car drove into the King’s Park Hill mansion, and a large number of media were waiting outside. (Photo by Zhu Xianru)
Chen Tongjia (left) is suspected of murdering Pan Xiaoying (right) in Taiwan.
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Chen Tongjia (left) is suspected of murdering Pan Xiaoying (right) in Taiwan.
Revision of the Fugitives Ordinance
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Revision of the Fugitives Ordinance
https://hk.news.yahoo.com/修例風波-馬英% E4%B9%9D%E8%BD%9F%E8%94%A1%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E6%80%A5%E8%BD%89%E5%BD%8E-%E6 %8C%87%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E4%BA%A6%E4%B8%8D%E5%AE%B9%E8%B7%A8%E5%A2%83%E6%8A %BC%E4%BA%BA-064500548.html
[Amendment] Ma Ying-jeou, Tsai, English, sharp turn, means that Taiwan is not allowed to cross-border
[Sing Tao Daily]
Sing Tao Daily
24.9k person tracking
October 23, 2019, 2:45 pm
Taiwan’s Ma Ying-jeou (left) criticized Tsai Ing-wen’s double standards. Online picture
[Sing Tao Daily reported] Taiwan’s refusal to commit murder suspect Chen Tongjia’s sudden change in attitude and proposed sending a member to Hong Kong to escort Chen Tongjia was rejected by the Hong Kong Government. The former president of Taiwan’s Ma Ying-jeou criticized that the Tsai-English government agreed that Chen’s vote was a correct decision, but the two sides should cooperate with each other without exercising the power of the other party.
Ma Ying-jeou told the Taiwanese media that Tsai Ing-wen should ask the Hong Kong government to help Chen Tongjia to go to Taiwan after his release today. But before this, Taiwan has to lift the immigration control of Chen Tongjia, Chen Cai can enter the country, and in this case he is likely to complete him. Investigate the action.
Ma Ying-jeou also mentioned that Hong Kong officials who issued Taiwan could not go to Hong Kong to escort. Ma Ying-jeou believes that the two sides should cooperate with each other without prejudice to the exercise of public power in the territory of the other side. "We will not allow police from other countries to come to Taiwan to escort." I was asked if Tsai Ing-wen’s move was a "hairpin bend". Ma Ying-jeou criticized, "Of course, yes, which one is not, take a look."
Wang Bingzhong, a spokesman for the Taiwan New Party, criticized Chen Tongjia’s murder and crimes in Taiwan. The jurisdiction should of course also be in Taiwan. However, the government of Tsai Ing-wen’s government counts out and annihilates humanity. At one time, it was necessary to restrict Chen’s entry and death. Chen Liling, a new party lawyer, said that she volunteered as a victim's prosecutor and asked Pan Xiaoying's family to contact her to bring Chen Tongjia to justice.
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E8%A2%AB%E5%95%8F%E9%99%B3%E5%90%8C%E4%BD%B3%E6%A1%88%E7 %81%AB%E6%B0%A3%E5%A4%A7-%E9%99%B3%E6%98%8E%E9%80%9A%E8%88%87%E5%BE%90%E5% 9C%8B%E5%8B%87%E7%AB%8B%E9%99%A2%E7%99%BC%E9%A3%86-022415106.html
Was asked about the case of Chen Tongjia, Chen Mingtong and Xu Guoyong
[Zhongguang News Network]
Zhongguang News Network
4.8k person tracking
October 24, 2019, 10:24 am
Was asked about the case of Chen Tongjia, Chen Mingtong and Xu Guoyong
The Chen Tongjia case handled the government's attitude repeatedly. The Chairman of the Mainland Affairs Committee Chen Mingtong and the Minister of the Interior Xu Guoyong were all named by the outside world. The two of them went to the Legislative Yuan's internal affairs committee to report on the project. The fire was very high. Xu Guoyong once asked the reporters to bar. The reporter asked the minister "a little polite."
Xu Guoyong emphasized that the government has never let Chen Tongjia come to Taiwan, but only to apply for a visa. He also stressed that Taiwan absolutely opposes "one country, two systems" and is willing to extradite Chen Tongjia to come to Taiwan to have nothing to do with the identity of China and China. Do not attempt to frame Taiwan into the framework of China. This is an improper intention.
Xu Guoyong also stressed that the Chen Tongjia government handled the same policy before and after, and was questioned by reporters. "Xiao Guoyong was so irritated, and Xu Guoyong was angered. He returned to the reporters to say "a polite speech" and questioned how to use a blind eye to ask a minister "polite." a little".
As for Chen Mingtong, it is not too much to let the high decibels ask the Hong Kong government to cooperate with our investigations. It emphasizes that both governments have responsibilities. Don't forget that the victims are Hong Kong people. The Hong Kong government is obliged to provide justice for the victims. Chen Mingtong shouted to the Hong Kong Government. "Now, I will cooperate with you, let us bring us back, and hand over the documents to us."
For Hong Kong pastor Guan Haoming worried that Chen Tongjia would become a "political chip", Chen Mingtong asked him to say less. "If you are willing to help this woman to do justice, and have the heart to let Chen Tongjia come to Taiwan for trial, please say two words less. "."
Chen Mingtong and Xu Guoyong went to the Home Affairs Committee of the Legislative Yuan to present a special report on "Current Situation of Crimes and Prosecutions in China and Hong Kong" and ask questions. In response to the follow-up treatment of Chen Tongjia, Chen Mingtong said that the most important work has two aspects. One is how to bring back the criminals, and how the relevant certificates are brought back through mutual legal assistance. Now the government is fighting for this.
Chen Mingtong emphasized that cross-strait relations seem to be tango. It is necessary for both sides to have the will. It is impossible for a tango to jump alone. He also shouted to the other side and stressed that cross-strait relations are better. First, Beijing must face the existence of the Republic of China and recognize our existence. it is good.
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/出獄道歉-來台% E6%9C%AA%E6%98%8E-%E9%99%B3%E5%90%8C%E4%BD%B3%E6%86%82%E6%88%90%E6%94%BF%E6 %B2%BB%E7%B1%8C%E7%A2%BC-222451318.html
The formal withdrawal of the fugitive offenders will help ease the situation in Hong Kong? 2 hours ago
Apologize to prison, unclear to Taiwan, Chen Tongjia, a political chip
[Joint News Network]
United News Network
20.7k person tracking
Reporter Lin Zehong / comprehensive report
October 24, 2019, 6:24 am
Chen Tongjia, who committed a murder case in Hong Kong in February last year, was released from prison yesterday. He accompanied the Secretary-General of the Anglican Church, Guan Haoming, to apologize to the media. Chen Tongjia said that he is willing to serve his sentence for his own mistakes, hoping that the victim and his girlfriend Pan Xiaoying will rest in peace.
Chen Tongjia feels "uneasy"
Guan Haoming, who initially persuaded Chen Tongjia to come to Taiwan to face judicial trials, later said that Taiwan accused Chen of being "surrendered" and that Chen Tongjia is currently "having a feeling of uneasiness" (uneasy); since Taiwan has different news every day, he wants to ensure that Chen With Canon getting a fair trial in Taiwan, it is necessary to discuss with Chen and it is temporarily impossible to determine when to come to Taiwan.
Chen Tongjia fled back to Hong Kong after killing his girlfriend in Taiwan. The Hong Kong government intends to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance to arrange for extradition. However, in Hong Kong, the "reverse delivery" struggle lasted for more than four months. The key figure Chen Tongjia was sentenced to prison. The Hong Kong government also The draft amendment to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance was formally withdrawn from the Legislative Council.
MAC single window for contact
President Cai said yesterday that since the Hong Kong government is unwilling to exercise jurisdiction, "this matter is handled by our Republic of China Taiwan"; it also emphasizes that the murderer is already wanted, "only the arrest has no problem of surrender." The MAC said last night that it is still impossible to confirm whether Chen suspected to come to Taiwan and whether he will surrender the case. The government will ensure that the whole process is mastered and the free travel mode is ruled out. A single window has also been set up for suspected contact.
Chen Tongjia, who was sentenced to imprisonment for money laundering in Hong Kong earlier, was released from prison yesterday morning. Outside the Sai Kung Pik Uk prison where Chen Tongjia was detained, a large number of media gathered early yesterday. After Chen Bu came out of the prison gate, accompanied by Guan Haoming, facing the media twice, he apologized to Pan Xiaoying’s family and Hong Kong people.
Chen Tongjia said that he had done an irreparable mistake and brought great pain to Pan Xiaoying's family. His own heart was also condemned. He was willing to surrender himself to Taiwan for his own mistakes and to serve his sentence. I hope that Pan Xiaoying’s family will be relieved, and Pan Xiaoying will be able to rest in peace. Chen Tongjia also thanked his parents for not giving up on him. He did not dare to repay his words, but he would remember the support and parenting of his parents. Chen Tongjia finally apologized to the Hong Kong community. I hope that everyone can forgive him so that he can re-do people and repay the society. Then Chen Tongjia drove away with Guan Haoming.
Pastor expects Chen to conduct a fair trial in Taiwan
Guan Haoming stressed that Chen Tongjia’s willingness to go to Taiwan is a fact. The Hong Kong Government has never asked Chen Tongjia to go to Taiwan to surrender. Chen Tongjia did something wrong, but he could not become a political chip. If there is no fair trial, Chen Tongjia may become a political chip. He will not be assured of the pastor.
The Secretary for Justice of Hong Kong, Mr Andrew Cheng, said that the crimes committed by Chen Tongjia occurred in Taiwan. The evidence is "mostly in Taiwan". Therefore, Taiwan has criminal jurisdiction and the case should be handled by the Taiwan court. Chen Tongjia is "voluntarily going to Taiwan to face his law." Responsibility, "having autonomy" decides which evidence to bring to Taiwan. The Director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, Li Jiachao, said that Taiwan is constantly shirking its responsibilities and does not respect Hong Kong's jurisdiction. "If the government cannot ultimately uphold justice, the Taiwan government must take full responsibility." For related news, see A2 A3
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E6%B3%95%E5%8B%99%E9%83%A8%E5%90%A6%E8%AA%8D%E8%B7%A8%E5 %A2%83%E5%9F%B7%E6%B3%95-%E6%9B%BE%E5%8D%94%E5%8A%A9%E6%B8%AF%E8%AD%A6%E5% 9C%A8%E5%8F%B0%E9%80%AE%E6%AE%BA%E4%BA%BA%E7%8A%AF-222451176.html
The Ministry of Justice denies cross-border law enforcement: assisted the Hong Kong police in arresting murderers
[Joint News Network]
United News Network
20.7k person tracking
Reporter Wang Shengyu, Li Wei/Taipei Report