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Lau Uncles Air-Supply 不肯收山.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Man they were the rage during the 80s. All those chio classmates will flog to you if you can croon their ballads with a guitar. 真是想起当年.... :rolleyes:
Russell Hitchcock can really hit those high notes with ease during their prime as seen here.




This is from their concert this year. They needed the backup from the audience. WTF? Pay so much to watch them perform and the whole thing becomes a Karaoke session. It's more like "I'm all out of breath, can die anytime now...."


Man they were the rage during the 80s. All those chio classmates will flog to you if you can croon their ballads with a guitar. 真是想起当年.... :rolleyes:
Russell Hitchcock can really hit those high notes with ease during their prime as seen here.

It happen in early 1990 as well


Alfrescian (Inf)
Russell Hitcock's best song. 想当年 I still could hit those high notes and sustain them. 唉...... :redface:



Alfrescian (Inf)
This is from their concert this year. They needed the backup from the audience. WTF? Pay so much to watch them perform and the whole thing becomes a Karaoke session. It's more like "I'm all out of breath, can die anytime now...."
KNN the band played the tempo so slow as if they were singing funeral songs....