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PAP Lam Par Bin: There are 131 HDB flats in Sengkang West & if we were to visit a flat once a wk religiously, it'll take almost 2.6 yrs to complete...


Alfrescian (Inf)
hope voters will not tire him and his team out.....................vote them out again so no need to visit at all............ :roflmao:


So MP must be a full time job!

You can visit 4 blocks everyday, with 20 days of full time job, you can finish the constituency visit in less than 2 months.

So, in 5 years, you visit every household about 30 times, no worry that you will be voted out.
Exactly. Pay them so much and it's part time job. Ridiculous.

Scrooball (clone)

What a fucking idiot he is.

Who will make their way to a block once a week, visit 1 family, and then leave? Wouldn't you at least finish at least 5-6 families per visit?


Alfrescian (Inf)
No worries, they always send an advance party to scout each block first. Once they find a floor with receptive, friendly or porlumpar folks, they will comms the media crew and the PAP MP to drop by for a photo op.

You don't need to visit ALL the flats, you just need to visit enough to gather material for your newsletters etc.

I know how it works, so cease with the gaslighting. :rolleyes:


He can also just sit in his office everyday and let residents come to see him without appointments….like a cheekon in Geylang.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
What a fucking idiot he is.

Who will make their way to a block once a week, visit 1 family, and then leave? Wouldn't you at least finish at least 5-6 families per visit?
cannot be helped...Slumkang...no one wants to meet him. Only the RC family in the block obliged to open their doors for him.