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Kum Lan LTA seeks ideas to remove burnt electric buses from multi-storey bus depots


" Lithium-ion, which is the most prevalent battery technology used to power electric vehicles (EVs), burns at around 2,760 deg C – hot enough to melt steel and concrete. Diesel engines, in contrast, burn at around 700 deg C. Even when the e-bus fire is extinguished, there remains a possibility of reignition..."

How can LTA allow a vehicle which can burn at 2760 deg C hot enough to melt concrete and steel be on the road? It's burning 4 x hotter than diesel, and can be reignited even after being extinguished, siao, LOL.

It's a farking joke of the century. Backside itchy go and convert diesel buses into Electric ones ownself self-pwned.

All EVs must be banned immediately, esp. electric buses. It's a ticking time bomb before something disastrous going to happen.
Transport minister also must be sacked immediately for failing to prevent upcoming disasters, which has already happened in China and other western countries.


LTA seeks ideas to remove burnt electric buses from multi-storey bus depots​


The LTA wants to be able to quickly and safely remove a burnt electric bus to prevent damage to other buses and assets. ST PHOTO: LIM YAOHUI

SINGAPORE - As Singapore gears up to run more electric buses, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) is looking for ways to deal with emergencies that may arise, like such buses catching fire at a busy depot.

In such a scenario, what would be the best way to remove the burning bus, put out the fire and prevent damage to other buses or property?

The LTA on April 17 called for proposals for ways to quickly remove a burnt electric bus from a multi-storey depot and submerge it into a water tank to prevent a fire from reigniting. It is seeking a contractor to provide equipment that can fulfil the task, and have the equipment operational by March 2025.

Responding to queries, the LTA said that even though the risk of electric bus fires is low, it wanted to “explore different equipment” to manage battery fires because the nature of such fires is different from conventional ones.

Lithium-ion, which is the most prevalent battery technology used to power electric vehicles (EVs), burns at around 2,760 deg C – hot enough to melt steel and concrete. Diesel engines, in contrast, burn at around 700 deg C.

Even when the e-bus fire is extinguished, there remains a possibility of reignition, which could be a result of sparks created by parts of the burnt bus being in contact with the ground or depot structures during the removal process,” the LTA said on its Land Transport Innovation Portal, describing the challenge.

The LTA also said the additional equipment is meant to enhance existing fire mitigation measures such as water sprinklers and water curtains to prevent fire from spreading to other buses and parts of the depot.

By 2030, half of Singapore’s public bus fleet will be electric. The first batch of the 360 electric buses that the LTA has ordered will start arriving from the second half of 2024, and an initial 60 buses were deployed in 2018 under a pilot scheme to test out the technology.
Public buses are maintained and parked at bus depots when they are not in service. EV chargers are being fitted in more depots as the public electric bus fleet expands.

New depots, like the upcoming ones in Sengkang West, Gali Batu, Yishun and the East Coast Integrated Depot, are multi-storey buildings rather than flat single-storey set-ups with open-air parking. Buses are parked on the upper floors, with the ground floor housing the maintenance workshop.

The software and design of EVs can detect and isolate faults in the batteries before a fire occurs. However, there have been reports of EV fires overseas.

According to experts, after an EV fire has been put out, there is a risk that the heat remaining in the battery cells can be high enough to cause reignition. This helps to explain why the LTA wants to remove the burnt electric bus and submerge it in a water tank to bring down the temperature.

In its call, the LTA sought solutions that can extract the burnt EV quickly without any part of the vehicle touching the ground or the depot’s structures. After that, the equipment must be able to place the damaged vehicle in a water tank that will be located away from the depot.

The LTA’s call did not specify the size of the equipment or water tank, but these would have to be able to cope with a double-deck electric bus, which weighs around 15,422kg – the weight of nearly 12 typical family sedans.

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Sooner or later this is goping to happen to SG.

Even UK, London, which is supposed to be the world standard in safety also tio Electric buses fires like no tomorrow.



Alfrescian (Inf)
China thanks you for propping up its shitty economy by purchasing all those EVs and the huge lithium batteries running them. :biggrin:

Imagine you giving money to someone who sells you a ticking time bomb which you have to carry around in your pocket all the time. What a deal eh? :roflmao:


See how difficult it is to put out an Electric bus fire..it will continue to reignite itself again and again... even use dry powder/foam extinguisher also useless.

Imagine lithium burns at 2760 degrees C and you are trapped inside this bus, song boh?



Alfrescian (Inf)
Imagine lithium burns at 2760 degrees C and you are trapped inside this bus, song boh?

Sentosa launches ambitious sustainability roadmap in major push towards climate goals
https://www.sentosa.gov.sg/files/media release_sentosa_launches_ambitious_sustainability_roadmap.pdf

Come 2025, 100% of Sentosa’s on-island public transportation will be electric, with electric buses to be progressively deployed in Sentosa from 2022. As a start, Sentosa’s fleet of beach shuttles have been fully-electric since 2020...

Many tourists on those Sentosa shuttle buses. Should be fun. :biggrin:


Sentosa launches ambitious sustainability roadmap in major push towards climate goals
https://www.sentosa.gov.sg/files/media release_sentosa_launches_ambitious_sustainability_roadmap.pdf

Many tourists on those Sentosa shuttle buses. Should be fun. :biggrin:

If our farking PAP-Gov is really sincere enough to run this country properly, they should have the courage to resist all these ranjiao western global 'sustainability' carbon-tax nonsense agenda.

But so far, not only we are seeing none of these actions but PAP is doubling down on their efforts. Means wat?



If our farking PAP-Gov is really sincere enough to run this country properly, they should have the courage to resist all these ranjiao western global 'sustainability' carbon-tax nonsense agenda.

But so far, not only we are seeing none of these actions but PAP is doubling down on their efforts. Means wat?

after you have sucked every cock and taken benefits how to resist?