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Kokila Annamalai tells SnakeSham to take his POFMA laws and shove it up his butthole!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

I'm a staunch supporter of the death penalty after seeing what the absence of capital punishment does to a society.

The fact that process may be harsh and once it a while the wrong person may end up at the gallows does not alter the significant benefits that society gains from this effective deterrent.

This "activist" would be singing a different tune if her loved ones had succumbed to the scourge of hard drugs. No process is perfect but Singapore's tough stance has stood the test of time and the results speak for themselves.

In countries which adopt a soft touch against serious crime the violence and warfare that permeates huge segments of society is horrendous. She should just shut the fuck up.
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Trump supports the death penalty for drugs and foreigners who kill Americans

Singapore death penalty for drugs but foreigners who whack locals get a slap on the wrist not to mention MOE now wants to "rehabilitate" school bullies instead of public caning in the old days:rolleyes: