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KNN didn't expect carrot cake portion so big, cannot finish. How ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Didn't expect $4.50 so big portion. Very old school style which I like. Stall next to escalator at Tiong Bahru market / food centre.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Tasty or not ?
Good enough for me and in big chunks which I prefer. Hate those heavily shredded carrot cake. Too bad the spring onions weren't prepared yet. Would have been better with those sprinkled.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
after 16.9 hours it becums sticky shit. will need an entire roll of toilet paper with a tub of water to clean.

Byebye Penis

Food at TB market rather expensive.
Can go nearby BMV or Redhill, think
$3~$3.50 and v.gd.
everything is expensive now. Fish soup $5, only five thin slices of fish.
I try not to eat out. Otherwise Macdonalds is cheaper, $6-8 meal, got drink, got fries and a big piece of meat.

This one is very good (without the oil) and add two eggs


Didn't expect $4.50 so big portion. Very old school style which I like. Stall next to escalator at Tiong Bahru market / food centre.

View attachment 152185

yah lah.................yah lah..................people know you velly rich lah...................can afford makan $4.50 carrot cake lah............

i never eat for years liao..................it's high-end luxury food to me.................


Alfrescian (Inf)
yah lah.................yah lah..................people know you velly rich lah...................can afford makan $4.50 carrot cake lah............

i never eat for years liao..................it's high-end luxury food to me.................
Oh l'm so sorry I have hurt the feelings of a fucking poor sinkie loser.....
Why not let me have your home address so I can mail you a noose to go hang yourself with and end all this misery. Will that make you feel better, asshole ? :laugh: :FU:



everything is expensive now. Fish soup $5, only five thin slices of fish.
I try not to eat out. Otherwise Macdonalds is cheaper, $6-8 meal, got drink, got fries and a big piece of meat.

This one is very good (without the oil) and add two eggs
Yes. I try to eat simple and healthy. Made own sandwich with tuna, sardines, eggs, lettuce, tomato with a can of beans, or buy toman fish to cook porridge.
