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KL to JB Sentral got direct train boh ?


Everywhere I Googled, it seems that I have to go to transfer at some ulu Gemas. Walan eh ! How can Muuds government be so goondu ? KL to JB Sentral/Singapore no direct line ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Everywhere I Googled, it seems that I have to go to transfer at some ulu Gemas. Walan eh ! How can Muuds government be so goondu ? KL to JB Sentral/Singapore no direct line ?

They're electrifying the rail track between Gemas and JB. It should have been completed around last year, perhaps delayed by Covid.

You need to get off and swap trains because the tracks are different. They need some time to prepare.

Gemas is a quaint little town, the highlight of the town is KFC, located not too far from the train station. :biggrin:


They're electrifying the rail track between Gemas and JB. It should have been completed around last year, perhaps delayed by Covid.

You need to get off and swap trains because the tracks are different. They need some time to prepare.

Gemas is a quaint little town, the highlight of the town is KFC, located not too far from the train station. :biggrin:
I'm planning to take a train from Padang Besar to JB Sentral.

I thought about staying overnight at Padang Basar and Gemas, but the hotels (if any) are damn lok !:o-o: :frown:


How can Muuds government be so goondu ? KL to JB Sentral/Singapore no direct line ?

f@rk off moron chink.

you were given stinkypura which is malay land and continue to be anti Islamic and anti Muslim.

why the f*ck would anybody allow your kind to exist in the first place?

Malaysia is NOT for your kind. GTFO!!! bloody bastards.


Everywhere I Googled, it seems that I have to go to transfer at some ulu Gemas. Walan eh ! How can Muuds government be so goondu ? KL to JB Sentral/Singapore no direct line ?
Gansiokbin invested in jurong east thinking can travel from Mayfair to KL KNN now even jb cannot travel to KL LOL KNN mudland mala si lang ki aa sor zai KNN

syed putra

You gotta thank badawi for cancelling the double tracking of ktm track and crooked bridge when he became PM way back in 2003. And ehen he realised his folly many years later, he double tracked for KL to penang first, his hometown, and onwards to padang besar, neglecting the south.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
you were given stinkypura which is malay land and continue to be anti Islamic and anti Muslim.

Weren't the muuds and islamic types settlers in jiuhu? The orang asli are mostly non-moslem till today, and they were in jiuhu long before the muuds.

You're still trying to distort and rewrite history, just like it's taught in your islamic religion.


Take air asia 1 hour flight.

Why bother with train? Even KL to Gemas is 2.5 hours and how long from Gemas to JB.


Take air asia 1 hour flight.

Why bother with train? Even KL to Gemas is 2.5 hours and how long from Gemas to JB.

I want to experience travel via railway. I want to use this as a warm up before I try Trans-Siberian railway.
