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KL airport also got waterfall

syed putra

Video of roof leak at KLIA goes viral

PETALING JAYA: A video has gone viral showing a roof leak at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) main terminal building.
Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd, through its Facebook page, said the incident occurred at around 3.40pm on Monday (Oct 7).

"At 3.40pm today, Flying Emporium, an outlet located at the Contact Pier leading to the domestic gates at KLIA Main Terminal experienced heavy leakage from the roof due to extreme weather conditions.
"The airport operations team had acted quickly and deployed people and machinery to arrest the situation," it said in the post.

It added that passengers were immediately directed to one side of the area that was not affected while wet vacuum machines were deployed to suction the water from the affected area.
"The leakage stopped after 20 minutes and the situation was under control within an hour.
"We wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused to our passengers and business partners," it said, thanking the airport staff and community for their swift actions.
It added that the matter was being investigated and actions for further improvement to the infrastructure would be taken.

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nat...f-leak-at-klia-goes-viral#Ry5q0fIFDEWlm4sS.99


Alfrescian (Inf)
It added that the matter was being investigated and actions for further improvement to the infrastructure would be taken.

If Melayu can improve, pig can lay eggs. :poop: