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kim lim tells her hubbie bk kho to go fuck spider




Kim Lim, daughter of billionaire businessman Peter Lim, divorced her husband this year after more than three years. The two had tied the knot in a low-profile ceremony attended by family in 2016 and had their son the following year.

Her relationship with her husband has been on and off in the past year, and their love had turned into a "habit" without spark.

"Instead of forcing ourselves to survive in an unhappy marriage, it's better to give each other freedom," she says.

"We had already separated about a year ago, so this is not a rash decision. Though we cannot be husband and wife, he is still the father of my son and a very good one at that."

Since Lim, 29, separated from BK Kho at the end of last year, she has been living with her father and her stepmother Cherie, which has brought them closer.

Scrooball (clone)

Billionaire Peter Lim’s son-in-law charged in court for gambling

Kho Bin Kai is allegedly involved in remote online gambling along with eight other people
Photo: Kim Lim and her husband Kho Bin Kai / Instagram
Obbana Rajah
August 30, 2019
Home News

The son-in-law of local billionaire Peter Lim, 29-year-old Kho Bin Kai, was charged in court last month with assisting in remote gambling.

According to a report by Shin Min Daily News, Kho facilitated remote gambling from July 15 to July 27 under the instructions of a person called “Ah Leong”.

Kho apparently issued an account number “KBT12” on a website to a man by the name of Tan Chun Yong. The account was allegedly linked to an online gambling service

According to the Chinese daily, there are another eight persons who are to be charged in the case.

The case has been adjourned to Oct 8, as the police are doing a forensic examination of several mobile phones.
The charges against Kho have the possibility of being increased as the police are still investigating several mobile phones involved in the case, Shin Min reported.

Kho is currently out on S$25,000 bail.
He is currently involved in an education centre and an engineering business.

Xu Bingkai (also known as BK Kho), married Kim Lim, the daughter of the Singaporean billionaire and leading stockbroker in February 2017.
Kho met Lim in a temple in Thailand.

Six months later, the couple registered their marriage.
Their son Kyden Kho was born in July of 2017. -/TISG


With Peter lim connection, his daughter should be able to snag a prince or princelin type of man to marry off my daughter
Got married to a remote gambler cum operator and got caught. If I am Peter Lim, where do I gonna hide my face ?

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Kim Lim, daughter of billionaire businessman Peter Lim, divorced her husband this year after more than three years. The two had tied the knot in a low-profile ceremony attended by family in 2016 and had their son the following year.

Her relationship with her husband has been on and off in the past year, and their love had turned into a "habit" without spark.

"Instead of forcing ourselves to survive in an unhappy marriage, it's better to give each other freedom," she says.

"We had already separated about a year ago, so this is not a rash decision. Though we cannot be husband and wife, he is still the father of my son and a very good one at that."

Since Lim, 29, separated from BK Kho at the end of last year, she has been living with her father and her stepmother Cherie, which has brought them closer.

Low profile ceremony means Peter did not approve of the marriage as his eyes are probably sharp enough to recognize a 10cm leech ten miles away, and can do so 10 times over if necessary

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
After so many posts, I still can't figure out what species of spider did she want him to fuck, or if any species would have been fine.

syed putra

Go get the selangor sultan's son.



This one is high maintenance, I am scared. But as fuck buddy I don't mind. :biggrin:


If she luv luv you,

KNN you will be staying in a Penthouse in Orchard Rd,
a Villa in Sicily,

or in Italy to watch Valencia
play play Bola,

drving Fellali, LumParGini and Porksche,

and smoking highest top grade Cuban cigars.

KNN Mai Hiam hor.


Old Fart

If she luv luv you,

KNN you will be staying in a Penthouse in Orchard Rd,
a Villa in Sicily,

or in Italy to watch Valencia
play play Bola,

drving Fellali, LumParGini and Porksche,

and smoking highest top grade Cuban cigars.

KNN Mai Hiam hor.
Buay giam lah. Have all the perks and good life, but kena be slave to the father and her. I would rather stay poor, take bus/mrt and eat my economy rice. Retain my pride and self-respect. Tio boh?