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KFC opening first Kentucky Fried CHICKEN Hotel in Australia



The world's first KFC-themed 'Colonel's Lodge' is opening right here in Australia​

By Jemima Skelley| 1 day ago

Calling all fried chicken fans!

If you've ever thought to yourself 'I love KFC so much I wish I could live inside one', well, that dream might just come true.

The fast food chain is introducing a brand new KFC hotel, right here in Australia.

To celebrate Christmas in July, KFC has established the ultimate experience for Zinger lovers, the Colonel's Lodge, in a cosy wood-panelled cabin in the NSW Blue Mountains.

The house is fully decked out with KFC-themed trimmings and as much yuletide gear as possible, making for the perfect winter getaway.

And of course, there's plenty of fried chicken on offer too.