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Posted on 03 Aug 2010
Saleswoman snatches handphone, scratches and slams shopper's head on wall
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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When STOMPer Low encountered bad service at a shop in Concorde Hotel, she took a picture so she could lodge a complaint. To her shock, a woman from the store next door started to give chase before scratching and ramming the STOMPer's head against a wall.
The incident started when Low was browsing the scarves on display at a store in Concorde Hotel on Orchard Road.
She was upset when the salesman there refused to serve her, asking her to put the scarf back on the rack.
When she tried to take a picture of the store, a saleswoman from the neighbouring store gave chase before proceeding to assault her.
Distressed, the sender says:
"I don't know how to put the story into words. I have never encountered anything like this.
"After work, I went shopping in Orchard. At this store, they were selling nice scarves so I browsed around.
"Nobody attended to me although there was a man sitting in the store.
"I finally chose a scarf that I liked. But I was confused about its price as there were two price tags. So I asked the man for assistance.
"He told me in Chinese, "Put it (the scarf) down."
"I was surprised and asked again, but he said the same thing. Offended, I left the store. Then this lady from another store nearby approached me.
"She kept staring at me in a very unfriendly way. I left and went upstairs. But I decided that I had to do something about their bad service, so I started to take a photo of the store with my mobile phone.
"That was when the lady ran up the stairs and grabbed my phone and my arm.
"Then she grabbed my hair and banged my head against the wall. Not once. But twice.
"A Caucasian man had to rush over and push her away.
"Even then, the lady did not give up. The man from the store joined her and both of them taunted me, saying, "You like to take photos, okay we take your photo!" Then they used their mobile phones and kept snapping photographs of me.
"It was unbelievable.
"I have made a police report about the incident. I don't want to pursue the matter by bringing them to court. I only told the police to warn them.
"The police saw that I had scratches and bruises on my body and called an ambulance. I am feeling giddy now but I refused a medical check-up that the medics in the ambulance offered.
"I just want to go home and rest."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: assault , salesperson , bad customer service
Saleswoman snatches handphone, scratches and slams shopper's head on wall

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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When STOMPer Low encountered bad service at a shop in Concorde Hotel, she took a picture so she could lodge a complaint. To her shock, a woman from the store next door started to give chase before scratching and ramming the STOMPer's head against a wall.
The incident started when Low was browsing the scarves on display at a store in Concorde Hotel on Orchard Road.
She was upset when the salesman there refused to serve her, asking her to put the scarf back on the rack.
When she tried to take a picture of the store, a saleswoman from the neighbouring store gave chase before proceeding to assault her.
Distressed, the sender says:
"I don't know how to put the story into words. I have never encountered anything like this.
"After work, I went shopping in Orchard. At this store, they were selling nice scarves so I browsed around.
"Nobody attended to me although there was a man sitting in the store.
"I finally chose a scarf that I liked. But I was confused about its price as there were two price tags. So I asked the man for assistance.
"He told me in Chinese, "Put it (the scarf) down."
"I was surprised and asked again, but he said the same thing. Offended, I left the store. Then this lady from another store nearby approached me.
"She kept staring at me in a very unfriendly way. I left and went upstairs. But I decided that I had to do something about their bad service, so I started to take a photo of the store with my mobile phone.
"That was when the lady ran up the stairs and grabbed my phone and my arm.
"Then she grabbed my hair and banged my head against the wall. Not once. But twice.
"A Caucasian man had to rush over and push her away.
"Even then, the lady did not give up. The man from the store joined her and both of them taunted me, saying, "You like to take photos, okay we take your photo!" Then they used their mobile phones and kept snapping photographs of me.
"It was unbelievable.
"I have made a police report about the incident. I don't want to pursue the matter by bringing them to court. I only told the police to warn them.
"The police saw that I had scratches and bruises on my body and called an ambulance. I am feeling giddy now but I refused a medical check-up that the medics in the ambulance offered.
"I just want to go home and rest."
Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: assault , salesperson , bad customer service