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Serious Keling Prata Flipper Super Disrespectful To Good Pioneer Sinkie! Need To Call Mata Liao!


There is no point raising voice or become angry till like that. Don't like just walk away and don't patronise. What's the point of screaming and damaging his own heart health and nervous system at his age? :biggrin:


What kind of fuck up dressing is that? Long sleeve Temasek green shirt with olive colour bermudas, white socks and black shoes?

A Singaporean

Fucking poor Sinkies are nuisances. Please fuck off and eat at home. You bastards are ruining the ambience of our great hawker centres.
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this is the reason why people generally think that old farts should die faster or be exiled to pulau ubin. but they dont say it
fucking nuisance


There is no point raising voice or become angry till like that. Don't like just walk away and don't patronise. What's the point of screaming and damaging his own heart health and nervous system at his age? :biggrin:
On the contrary, letting it out will make u feel better rather than keeping it inside...
The old fart probably doing just that...:wink:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
What kind of fuck up dressing is that? Long sleeve Temasek green shirt with olive colour bermudas, white socks and black shoes?
elite commando special plain clothes anti terrorist unit. can blend in at botanic gardens while beoing and upskirting chiobus.


Old Fart
What kind of fuck up dressing is that? Long sleeve Temasek green shirt with olive colour bermudas, white socks and black shoes?
elite commando special plain clothes anti terrorist unit. can blend in at botanic gardens while beoing and upskirting chiobus.
Why are you guys hating on his dressing? I think his colour combo is great! Olive drab like in World War 2. Vintage appeal.:biggrin:
