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Kelantan malay fish salad.

syed putra

Fresh wster fish got parasites
Malays seldom eat freshwater fish or aquacultured ones. It's all from the sea. Looks like it's kembong. My favourite. Like Saba fish.
If eaten with some rice it will be more flavouful as the Ayer Assam ( sauce) goes well with rice.
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Old Fart
Malays seldom eat freshwater fish or aquacultured ones. It's all from the sea. Looks like it's kembong. My favourite. Like Saba fish.
If eaten with some rice it will be more flavouful as the Ayer Assam ( sauce) goes well with rice.
yes, they prefer marine fishes, including catfish. Kembong has a naturally strong smell, so need to mask or dampen it with assam and spices.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I prefer steam rice nasi kukus

