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Karen tried paying $5 deposit to groom her dog, end up paying $10k.


Scam alert! Creating awareness esp pawrents
Came across this post for grooming services by Fluffy. It sounded really great where I get to watch my dog getting groomed at the convenience of my house. Was asked to make a deposit of $5 via this app that I have to download. Used 2 cards to make payments but was declined. A guy, Sean contacted me and kept advising to keep trying as their account might be undergoing maintenance. He even taught me step by step to go about it again.
I gave up and he kept calling. Even advised to use online Internet banking. Was redirected to a DBS website and keyed in my details but I did not proceed eventually as I felt strange that I had to go through this hassle of transferring $5. I asked for their paynow/paylah account but Sean claimed that everything must go through the system.
Less than 10 mins later, Citibank alerted me that a transaction of 1.5k plus was transferred. I quickly checked my other banks and realised that a number of transactions were made too. A total of close to 10k was gone within a span of half hour.
Made a police report but funds were transferred overseas and were beyond their jurisdiction. According to the banks, otp were authorised and now pending investigation.
