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Posted on 11 Mar 2010
Road bullies hurl vulgarities, show me the finger, and get away with it
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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A STOMPer says these two men abruptly stopped in front of his car, then hurled vulgarities and pointed a middle finger at him when he tried to reason with them. What irks him more is that they got away with it after the matter was brought up to the magistrate's office.
Said the STOMPer:
"These men jammed on the brakes on me just because I horned at them while I was driving home.
"I gestured them into my residence to talk it out for doing such a thing.
"These two fellows then stomped out of the car, throwing expletives at me and my girlfriend while I was still in my car.
"The photo was snapped when they were challenging us and one of the men pointed his middle finger at my girlfriend.
"Subsequently, the case was reported and brought up for magistrate complaint.
"The older man denied the offence and on the day of mediation, the magistrate claimed nothing can be done as this fellow has the right not to divulge the identity of the hooligan pointing the middle finger and there's nothing that can be done.
"I question what is the jurisdiction in Singapore about?
"Is it encouraging people to bring matters into their own hands for such assholes?
"So with this, people can be doing this all day long and get off scot free?"
Road bullies hurl vulgarities, show me the finger, and get away with it
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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A STOMPer says these two men abruptly stopped in front of his car, then hurled vulgarities and pointed a middle finger at him when he tried to reason with them. What irks him more is that they got away with it after the matter was brought up to the magistrate's office.
Said the STOMPer:
"These men jammed on the brakes on me just because I horned at them while I was driving home.
"I gestured them into my residence to talk it out for doing such a thing.
"These two fellows then stomped out of the car, throwing expletives at me and my girlfriend while I was still in my car.
"The photo was snapped when they were challenging us and one of the men pointed his middle finger at my girlfriend.
"Subsequently, the case was reported and brought up for magistrate complaint.
"The older man denied the offence and on the day of mediation, the magistrate claimed nothing can be done as this fellow has the right not to divulge the identity of the hooligan pointing the middle finger and there's nothing that can be done.
"I question what is the jurisdiction in Singapore about?
"Is it encouraging people to bring matters into their own hands for such assholes?
"So with this, people can be doing this all day long and get off scot free?"