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Kamala is mocked as a Samoan Malaysian?? Another jiuhu Boleh hiding in Murika?


Malay Mail

Tucker Carlson mocks Kamala Harris as ‘Samoan-Malaysian’ at Trump New York rally ahead of key election​

Malay Mail
Mon, 28 October 2024 at 11:54 AM GMT+81-min read

Malay Mail

Malay Mail
NEW YORK, Oct 28 — Former Fox News talk show host Tucker Carlson drew controversy yesterday at Donald Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally, where he made disparaging remarks about Democrat Kamala Harris, misidentifying her heritage as “Samoan-Malaysian”.
As reported by The Daily Beast, Carlson, aimed his comments at undermining Harris’ credibility as a Democratic nominee in the lead-up to this week’s pivotal US presidential election.
During his speech, Carlson dismissed Harris’s achievements, sarcastically suggesting that her election was merely a product of “popular support”.

He stated, “It’s gonna be pretty hard for Democrats to look at us and say, ‘You know what? Kamala Harris, she got 85 million votes because she’s just so impressive. As the first Samoan-Malaysian low-IQ former California prosecutor ever to be elected president.’”
In reality, Harris’s background includes a Jamaican father and an Indian mother.
The Daily Beast labelled Carlson as a staunch right-wing supporter of Trump, highlighting the atmosphere of derogatory comments, which included both racist and misogynistic undertones, among the rally’s speakers.
Other notable figures reported at the rally included Hulk Hogan, Elon Musk, Melania Trump, and comedian Tony Hinchcliffe.


I think Tucker implied samoan Malaysian has a relatively lower IQ than Indian negro.
Samoans or Samoan people (Samoan: tagata Sāmoa) are the Indigenous Polynesian people of the Samoan Islands, an archipelago in Polynesia, who speak the Samoan language. The group's home islands are politically and geographically divided between the Independent State of Samoa and American Samoa, an unincorporated territory of the United States of America. Though divided by national border, the culture and language are the same.